Vrillon via Erena Velazquez | July 9, 2023

Submitted to Voyages of Light on July 9, 2023

Greetings Humans,

I am Vrillon from Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking to your race on behalf of your Galactics Brothers and Sisters.

Recently, we were involved in another secret operation on Mars. Finally, human’s base got shutdown to prevent the arrival of Outworlders to Mother Earth. It’s been a big obstacle for us since the beginning, during our desire to help humankind during Ascension Process. From the base on Mars, it was an easy access for the Dark Souls to arrive to your planet.

Darkness doesn’t have even a slight chance to win this battle between Evil and Light. Long overdue fight is coming to the end. Asleep part of population will be transported by us into another 3D planet, as this shell will be released in the near future into Cosmos.

Our direct mission to help your kind is almost finished. We are just waiting for certain events to occur in order to transition awake humanity into New Earth. You will be given a choice, if you want to stay here or return to your origins. Forgotten memories will be recovered immediately after your Ascension.

Divine continues to clear out the pathways to high frequencies, which are pouring daily non stop. Nothing and no one can stop upcoming big changes on your planet. The escalation of military conflicts will reach a focal point and could cause catastrophic consequences. In addition, Ashtar Galactic Command has been watching all nuclear facilities 24/7. We destroyed many missiles over the years, before they were put into use against humankind.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine still raises some concern. Our militants are observing very closely that area. Since beginning Darkness has been trying escalate this situation into global chaos, so far it’s not working.

The level of Collective Consciousness has reached the highest level ever, your daily meditations are helping to raise it. The veil between 3D and 5D is almost gone. The ones, who are not awake, are not capable to notice that your world is changing despite everything. You can built a new home in high dimensions with your consciousness everywhere in Cosmos. Your desire to Ascend is coming into reality, and you are the one, who is creating for yourself and others.

Divine is assisting you in this process to make it easier for everyone. We are here to support your efforts. Many of Dark Entities are fleeing from your planet in a hurry, as they don’t want to be striped from their souls. Eons of Darkness are approaching their finale. All of the hidden truths very soon will surface into daylight. Time to remove the shades from your eyes and start to notice, what is happening around you. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

We are sending Our Supreme Love.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Vrillon via Erena Velazquez | July 9, 2023 Vrillon via Erena Velazquez | July 9, 2023 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/10/2023 02:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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