Transcending the Past, Now | Judith Kusel

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Judith Kusel (via email)

I had something profound said to me by a doctor friend, who is an astrologer amongst other things, that suddenly clarified a lot about to me about my own soul path: namely that my soul can access the past, as in lost civilizations, and in past life patterns for other souls. Just like I do with my soul readings, my books and teachings, to assist others to finally break free, so that I can lead the way into the New Earth, and to manifesting and accessing the new higher dimensional states, as the way shower I in truth am.

Indeed, I had this profound sense of higher calling my entire life. It was like a gnosis and greatly humbling. This life is not about me; it never has been and never will. It is all about the greater work, the highest calling, the completion of what was Divinely decreed for this earth and humanity ages ago!

I am being guided to share the following with you because I am aware in the last few weeks of how we are transcending the past now, as higher portals have opened in supreme ways which are lifting us beyond the beyond. I have tears of inspiration writing this. The transfiguration is increasing on all levels now and in all our twelve bodies.

I see this as a time of the combustion of the old, and an explosion of the new, like when the seeds of life, break open to release the growth of a totally new life in all forms and expressions. Because this is so very powerful, we need silence, and quiet time, to be able to allow this growth spurt to happen without impediments. To open the heart centre more and more and to allow the Power of Love to lead us.

Let all else fall away and dissolve.

The flaming blinding sword of Truth is being wielded. Huge things are stirring now in France, in particular. The new revolution of the Power of Love is breaking forth.
The troubadours, the Bards, the Gospels of Love, Gnosis, are returning, as all falsehoods fall away.
The Age of Love is being birthed.
Let those who have ears, hear.
Let those who have inner eyes, see.
Let those who intuitively know, know.
I have spoken.

So many of the old souls are now in their last incarnation on earth and will be challenged to finally dissolve, work through, forgive with Loving Grace, all which has ever been miscreated before with other souls.

Note that since the solstice the energies have been lifting us into octaves of higher frequency bands, so do not be surprised when soul memory banks open and the old patterns surface. Open your heart, say thank you for the lessons in soul mastery and finally let go. Moreover, forgive yourself.

The fires of purification go very deep. Deeper than deep.

The more which is forgiven and let go of the more the heart opens to Divine Love and Light to fill you. The lighter and brighter you become.

Huge blessings are now flowing into our lives as we let go.
Transfiguration literally means to be transformed into pure Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power. To fully live your soul truth.

To fully transfigure into the Rainbow body of Light.
All is Love.
Transcending the Past, Now | Judith Kusel Transcending the Past, Now | Judith Kusel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/05/2023 01:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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