Straight from the Heart: July 6th, 2023 | Valerie Donner

Straight from the Heart

July 6th, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. I am Apollo. We are busy keeping tabs on our ground crew because you are very much needed. We love, admire, and respect you and all that you are doing for the good of the Earth. There has never been a time such as this on the Earth. Perhaps this is why you are feeling the energies of massive change, which can be off putting at times. The energetic shifts are massive. They require courage and strength. Faith in the Divine Plan will keep you strong. Nothing can hold back what is in motion now. The light trajectory is moving faster than the Speed of light. It waits for no one and stops for nothing. Paradise for the Earth is the goal. This is why you are on the planet at this time. You are masters of frequencies and avatars of light. Our ground crew can do it all. You have done it and now just a little more is required of you before the completion of this project. We will take no prisoners and all of the old matrix and third dimensional ways of living on the planet are being removed. In the main, you don't have to do anything. Relax into what is happening. It is best to go with the flow. Do not try to push a boulder up the hill because it will be fruitless. Use the light and the spiritual tools that you possess to proceed in this final round. We salute you!”

Ground crew, how are your life experiences these days? How are your dreams? My friend Roger told me that the other day that he was feeling frustrated about not doing what he came to do on the planet. Then Jesus came to him in a dream and said: “Roger you are making it way too hard. Give your heart to the Great Spirit and give your love to me. I will be there.”

This reminds me of one time when I was concerned about something and I heard this from the Creator: “I’ve got it!” I wrote it down on a piece of paper and keep it in the kitchen where I refer to it as needed.

It's always good to get a reminder from our guides and those who look after us. They know our thoughts, words and actions. As we peel layers of the old third dimensional reality away and remember who we truly are, we will no longer have issues with faith. We will live powerfully as divine creators of our new world.

When that occurs and when we are asked how we are doing, we will say “I am fabulous! “ We will be enjoying life to the fullest, as we were intended to live. Doubts and fears will be no longer. There will be no more separation, judgment or anger. We will be in complete harmony with ourselves free from heartache and pain.

Some of us have been in deep and intense grief and pain. On May 11, my best friend Debbie made her transition quickly and unexpectedly. Many of us loved her because she is a bright light with joy, fun and laughter. One person referred to her as a “party.” She loved her family and her friends. I went into deep grief, which I know is a part of life. It is deepening and stressful. I believe others are going through similar experiences. In this process, I realized that this precious friend is not dead. She simply left the physical form and is coming to me in different ways. Sometimes she will send a bird, dragonfly, a butterfly, or a BEE, to let me know that she is around. We talk. The day after she passed she came to me in my heart and said, "Valerie did you see what happened to me?” She shows me and tells me what she's doing. One day she sent me a picture, which I could wish I could print from my heart. She looked 30 years young with the most adorable animals standing around her that you could ever imagine. She loves animals. Mother Mary said that Debbie left because she didn't feel she was doing enough here and that she could do more on the other side. She is a busy girl from what I can tell. Apollo told me when she got Home they made a big fuss over her. She got celebrated and she deserves it.

Here is a wonderful video from Bashar about death. Watch it here!

Beloved ones, life is to be enjoyed in every way possible. When you are enjoying your life you are making the Creator happy. Losing my dear friend Debbie has taught me to cherish my dear friends and family even more. It makes me want to not put anything off that we said we would do but to go for it! I hope this will make you feel better if you are going through, or have just gone through, what I have experienced. Please be grateful for the life that you've been given. It is precious.

Our Ground Crew in Action Team is very busy. On June 17, 2023 we had a Zoom call where Lumina did a 50 minute Light Activation for us and for the Earth. The energy amongst the small group of us was so strong that it affected the Schumann resonance, the heart beat of the Earth. It looked completely different. You can look that up on the 17th- 18th. What we did affected everyone's hearts on the planet because we are all one. Thanks to everyone who is aligned with these light activations, whether you are on the calls or not. I know this is a busy time of the year.

According to SA Smith, also known as A Girl in the Universe, we are in the grand finale of the love wave. This means we are becoming our quantum selves and remembering who we truly are. Some of us have a lot of emotions and other ascension symptoms. Old issues are coming up and we are all being healed. Manifestation is also easier with these frequencies so watch your thoughts.

This is a video from SA Smith from June 28, 2023. Watch it here!
Straight from the Heart: July 6th, 2023 | Valerie Donner Straight from the Heart: July 6th, 2023 | Valerie Donner Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/07/2023 01:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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