(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
I was going to write about something and then about this other thing but, I kept forgetting what those things were.
I am struggling to keep my head attached while my body feels like a lead weight.
Things are flying in and out of my awareness in such a whirlwind my initial reaction is to pull back.
Slow down and be the observer.
This practice works well for me.
It doesn’t matter the chaos that is being used as dirty bombs across the planet.
Deep inside I know that there is clarity ready to surface and guide me.
I just need to focus on that, breathe and let that feeling soothe my being.
There is much to celebrate.
And there is much to mourn.
These are normal emotions for a funeral. So why does this current reality feel like attending a funeral?
I have so much love and yet feel so much sadness.
At a funeral we have so much love for the deceased, so we focus on the highlights and loving memories about that person and what they meant to us.
Once the service is over we move on with our lives.
Enriched by that person, forgiving their transgressions, we move along with our lives.
They are gone but they have also passed the baton.
The baton is in our hands.
Do we hand that off to someone else and say, here I am not interested in making a difference?
I am not interested in being responsible. I am not interested in caring about myself and others.
We don’t usually do that.
We do take care of ourselves. albeit with varying degrees of success.
We do take care of others.
The love continues within each one of us.
And more and more reasons to celebrate grow with each loving and caring action.
Yes, there are things to mourn. So give yourself the time and grace to do so.
And now is also the time for us to stand in our own love and power.
We not only have the duty to carry on, we also have the skills and training to do so.
We do. It may not be what we are used to but, we are doing it.
This is not the normal assignment and we do not get to continue living as we have always done.
This baton is shiny.
It is brand new and it calls to us to use this opportunity to bring about change.
It is a death of the past. It is the passing of things that no longer serve us.
In this opportunity we look for clarity to rise up within us.
Focus on the problem, any problem, and let clarity bring forward the necessary action.
Maybe that action is stillness. That’s okay.
The key here is not to get caught up in the chaos and the mourning.
We appreciate our past and will talk about the highlights and keep loving memories intact.
And then we move and look forward to what is next.
Grandmother came to me in her celebration outfit. But she dressed me in rugged outdoor wear.
It almost looked like a safari type ensemble with utility belts and accessories for a rough trek.
I said “what gives? ”
She said ” it’s always the hardest part of the journey when you’re almost home. Stay vigilant.”
Much love and fortitude to all
Digger 2023
Stepping Forward | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/06/2023 01:44:00 AM