By Steve Beckow, July 31, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’ve never heard a better description of the kind of life I know Michael would want me to live – in the moment, free of shoulds, doing and being me. It’s the way of life on the higher dimensions.
I’m not sure what they’d call it, but, consistent with the ways of the love there, I call it “flow.”
In these two short excerpts from the Arcturian Group’s always stimulating messages, they describe this way of being in a manner I can get – clear and simple.
Living this way calls for a high level of spiritual trust. At best I’m an apprentice here.
The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, March 28, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/03/28/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-march-28-2021/.
Living in the now moment can be difficult because everyone has been taught to plan every aspect of their lives according to three-dimensional standards. Living in the now moment does not mean you stop making plans, but rather means that if or when those plans change you allow it without a lot of struggle, resistance, and effort to force the original plan. (2)
Those not yet awakened, who live fully in third-dimensional energy are not yet spiritually prepared to live spiritual allowing, but you as evolved beings, have reached that place of readiness.
Spiritual allowing means knowing and accepting that your Higher Self, your Divine Self, knows and is guiding the perfect plan for your spiritual growth. It means that when personal plans totally dissolve in spite of your best efforts, you understand without resistance that something is unfolding on a level you are not yet aware of.
Allowing is the ability to stand back and watch life unfold from a place of spiritual truth rather than attempting to fill each moment with activities based in concepts of obligation to some person, group, or societal belief.
It is a letting go of the “shoulds” and “should nots” that have kept you in bondage and unempowered. Allowing is a facet of trust, a trust that flows automatically from the realization that one is a Divine Being/Consciousness embodying all the qualities of Source.
Allowing knows that that there is a Divine Plan taking place even though things may not look that way to human eyes. It is knowing that [the] whole picture is not yet able to fully manifest physically, but is fully present on a higher-dimensional level.
Allowing becomes automatic as you begin to accept self as SELF. Let life unfold as seems best for you without trying to direct, plan, force, eliminate, or change it.
Allowing does not mean doing nothing in the ordinary sense but rather means trusting that your intuition (the voice of your Higher Self) is guiding your decisions and choices and then allowing them to be what they are.
And … Arcturian Group, Oct. 31, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/10/31/328344/
Allowing oneself to become embroiled in the right and wrong, good and bad of the outer scene, simply adds to or augments the contents of the three-dimensional collective. However, this does not mean you close your eyes to the problems and issues of the world.
You see them, are aware of them, and do not deny or resist them but rather observe them from a place of higher awareness, one that knows the reality underlying all appearances. When you do this you add light to the collective rather than more of the false.
Stand Back, Observe, Allow | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/31/2023 09:36:00 PM