Thursday, July 13, 2023
Q&A on Life Purpose | Alcazar
Q&A with Alcazar on Life Purpose
Participant: Why does Alcazar almost never address one's life's purpose when asked directly?
Alcazar: Well. If we told some of you what your life purpose is, you would shrink back into your unworthiness. You are on your life's path. Every decision you make, everything you do or you avoid doing is all part of your energy. It's all part of you. It's time perhaps, to drop the idea about a life's purpose, for many people think it's like a job you have to accomplish. No. When people have asked, "What is my life's purpose," we have always said it is to be human, to live your life. Anything else, anything extra is a gift. Be human. That is your life's purpose. It is not for us to tell you what it is you intended to do before you came in, which is what some people feel is their life's purpose. It is not for us to plant seeds into your mind about perspective of your potential now. This is why we do not answer it directly. How would you feel if we said to you, "Oh. dear. You've really screwed up. You've missed your life purpose. You should be doing something totally different?" You are always on your life's purpose. What you bring in is up to you.
Bridge to the Divine
June 2023
Day 3, Session 3