Saturday, July 8, 2023

North Star* Shamanic Clearing of Properties, Spaces, and Situations | Parisse Deza

North Star* Shamanic Clearing of Properties, Spaces, and Situations

Local and long-distance transformation through spiritual ceremony of negative experiences and energies that have impeded progress or caused difficulties.

“Clearing” means to cleanse, transform, or otherwise change for the better.

As a Spiritual Intermediary, I open communication with the greater energy Field and facilitate the harmonization of energies that will allow a healthy resolution of difficult situations and bring about the most benevolent outcomes possible. This is done through meditation, prayer, and specialized ceremonies that communicate with positive beings, such as ancestors, angelic forces, and pure positive Source energy, which then address the problem and bring about a resolution in the highest good of all.

Some of the situations that can be cleared:

-Negative energies in properties, offices, and homes where there has been discord or harm so they feel good and things go well there.

-Energy fields of properties that haven't sold, so they attract the right buyer.

-Relationship energies between couples, friends, or business entities to bring about harmonious resolution and flow.

-Communications with Ancestors to resolve generational problems that have flowed down to their children.

-Seemingly dead-end situations that need new pathways and possibilities.

If you sincerely want positive change in your life, it is certain that you will experience that with this work.

Contact me for a conversation about your situation at

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Parisse Deza is new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

He is the co-creator and curator of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.

Go here for all his articles: