July 2023
From Your Hostess of Light:
As this newsletter is sent forth into the Universe, the living holy vibration of 7/7/7 escorts it on its way. A portal of pure atomics spiritual energy bursts forth from the Great Central Sun to the Solar Sun to our planetary Sun, exploding outward into our planetary system, lacing each planet with the 7/7/7 Light. Living power from the living Source comes forth on 7/7/7 escorting us like an amazingly beautiful solar stallion into the higher vibrations of this Summer's downloads and upgrades. Time will tell all but she'll probably keep quiet for a little while longer. When new energies and new truths are birthed there can be many modifications to our thoughts and actual timeline. Everyone has a different point of view, a different point of time and a different point of reference.7/7/7 opens the ‘portal of enough’; no needs, no wants, no desires, all is balanced if just for a moment in universal time. All is in perfect order, divinely timed and filled to the rim of with Love.
As we all move forward into this hot sultry summer it becomes obvious that Earth's time-lines need reset, rebooted and reconfigured. The energy seems to be going around and around like an accelerated particle with no way out. We are colliding within ourselves with time dis/placements that are not truly in our best interest or personal reality. Trying to make the same old recipe out of time in this divine proportioned experience can often end up with spoon pie. Within any replication are minute infinitesimal alterations that seek to take form and fly free of their own creational boundaries.
This is my most favorite time of the year it is like a Cosmic Christmas and Galactic New Year all wrapped up in one big shiny bow. My heart beats a little faster and I breathe a little deeper as we enter these power days of summer 2023. As we slowly come to the month of the Leo the Lioness and all that entails, we come to a conjunction of time that asks to be acknowledged and accepted in a different atomic-vibration of truth. Allow yourself to be guided into this place of knowledge that seeks acknowledgment.
As one enters this cosmic circuitous energy in thought and deed, they rediscover a stellar portion of themselves that has been living in a big black hole. Unwinding time to get a do-over is like trying to plug a quark particle into a genies bottle; it can always escape its dis-CERN-ing detention center. A cosmic threshold of unexpected proportion opens its drowsy eyes as a new intersecting timeline is given free rein to run earth. This new time-line zigs and zags as it sniffs out everything, hungry to feed itself like an old coon dog; showing that matter and anti-matter are relatives in all universes.
In this month of July we come to holy intersections of time and sacred power days that have both an end and a beginning. A great stellar pulse comes forth from Sirius thru our daystar straight into the heart of all mankind. We slowly move step, by step forward like an inch worm, sidestepping as many personal issues as possible. Stuffing the emotions within the sweetness you are not finding in the real world.
In ancient times on July 22nd the Egyptian New Year would be celebrated with the rising of the Nile with Isis at the top of that Egyptian birthday cake. Atlantean New Year comes next celebrating who we were in that very unique time of light. Then we dress for the Mayan ‘day out of time’ which is July 25th. Then Mayan New Year is on July 26th in all of its magnificence. This time of year we enter one Initiation after another, step by step cell by cell and light by light.
The next step forward thru this passageway is the rising of the star Sirius before the sun, once again initiating an advanced point of solar light. The solar light is the sum total of all consciousness that exists thru all dimensions it holds within it the light of all souls, all planets all livingness in our universe. It is a light of higher will, universal love and creative intelligence. The solar light is a living being. Sirius rising is a doorway of unparalleled opportunity to plunge forward on the stellar swell, that precedes what is to be created. Sirius has been honored since ancient times. In Atlantis, the mysteries came from the Star Sirius via the High priestesses. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the month of Leo.
Sirius is the home of the Cosmic Christ, the Ascended masters and the Lords of karma. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth. As the rays from Sirius bow to earth via the sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within. The little solar jewels that hold dormant DNA encodings wait for specific stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files. When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks the door to what you seek. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves your highest light and be filled in completion with that which serves your new soul path and spiritual evolution.
On July 25th we will enter the ‘Mayan day out of time’, a portal, a place where all and nothing exists simultaneously. A place that would tie the ‘string theory in knots’ if they ever met. The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar, it is the extra day, the 365th day, called the day out of time. This day is observed as a day ‘free of time’. This 'free day' re-aligns the solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature a day of reverence and respect for all life, dedicated to all time and no time. Each and every day we need to ‘step out of time’ and realign our energies. To swim deep into the void for that eternal minute and realign with the heart and souls desire; To see the multi-verse in all of its choices.
Message from Your Hostess of Light | July 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/08/2023 06:39:00 AM