How Truly and Honestly are you Committed to Loving you? | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid

How Truly and honestly are you committed to loving You?

What you dream of, what you desire what you yearn for is already there within you otherwise you would not recognize it.

When you are committed it is like taking the “bow” which you are (rather like your whole golden backbone as the shaft and your heart centre as the midpoint, the point of greatest power), aiming your arrow (your desire) at the target and shooting your Love straight and true.

Knowing that you have hit the mark before you have even let go because your aim is true.

Try this with everything you “aim” for.

Challenge your own commitment. Do I really want this? Is it something that will make me Love being Me more?

Picture what you are aiming for. If it is to meditate then see yourself sitting somewhere, or walking somewhere and intend what you want for You.

Or it maybe a painful leg, or stomach, or some emotional tie or block (and you can picture this as a tangled ball of dirty wool, use your imagination). Just get a good picture.

Sometimes the more dramatic you make it the better.


See a large colored mark, or the concentric rings around a “bullseye”.

Now DROP INTO YOUR HEART, feel your Love. Simply be there for a moment.

Finally, AIM straight at the target and FIRE your love. As your Love hits the target full on, keep feeling it as your EMBRACE of the target and it either DISSOLVES (explodes) whatever you no longer have any need of, OR ENHANCES (Lights up) what you are wanting to create.

Watch the changes, they are mostly immediate with your honest and true commitment to the LOVE OF YOU.

Your intention is enough, let your loving do the rest. It shows you where to go. It is (You are) “the navigator”.

And if by chance you trip up, say “Oh yes darling, stand up, your OK, let’s dust you down, here’s a big hug” and off you go again discovering more of You, more of who you really are.

How Truly committed are you to Loving Yourself?

I So Love You.


PS: I love hearing from you so try this on something right Now eg a headache absolutely anything else, no limit). Let us know your experience. Let us share our empowerment.
How Truly and Honestly are you Committed to Loving you? | Nicky Hamid How Truly and Honestly are you Committed to Loving you? | Nicky Hamid Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/27/2023 12:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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