(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Not everyone is open to the expressions of love. That may very well be based on core issues.
Issues that stem out of abandonment, rejection and lack of self worth.
I jumped right into the deep end here didn’t I?.
Let me walk it back to the shallows and explain this line of thought.
What is love? How would you define love? And how do we express it?
We use the words ‘I love you’ to share how we feel.
This expression can be used with family members, to friends you have grown close to, and definitely with our intimate partners in life.
Each time we say it, we are using our words to convey how we feel.
This feeling may have different levels of meaning.
Same words , different messages. Or the same message, just different physical relationships.
When discussing love we typically think about red hearts and pink ribbons and bows.
Reality dictates otherwise.
Not all things in life are smooth with sunshine and rainbows.
We have experiences that cause pain and when this involves a loved one we often develop core issues around that pain.
Learning how to deal with our emotions can be a very painful process.
Repeated painful experiences may only serve to deepen the trauma or solidify and justify our belief in that pain.
We put up walls, develop behaviors and stick to our reactions as they serve these learned beliefs.
The words ‘I love you’ lose the meaning they may have once had or even worse, become triggers for ‘something bad is about to happen.’
This also can lead to running away rather than being put in that position of losing something or someone or having to feel that grief, pain or disappointment.
We hide from love in order to avoid being hurt.
Alternatively, we can become needy, co-dependent or worse, stalkers.
Did I say I was going into the shallow end?
There really is nothing shallow when examining love.
Unless of course you are jumping from relationship to relationship seeking for something you can’t quite find.
In many circumstances this could be not seeking something, but hiding from something.
As a general question, could this very thing be yourself?
Love is complicated.
There are so many different scenarios, so many types of engagement, so many levels of interaction and yet we really only have three words in which to express all of this.
I love You.
What does this mean? How should we use it?
Is it overused? Should we save it for only special occasions?
Does it scare you? Why?
Do you say it back to someone when they say it to you? Out of courtesy? Obligation?
Or do you really mean it when you say it ?
Can you say it without meaning it?
If you are speaking from your heart, I bet you can’t.
If you do, then we certainly have found the shallow end of things.
The thing is that we don’t often express ourselves this way to people we have just met.
We tend to make people earn it or reserve that statement for special occasions.
We protect ourselves by holding back from saying these words so that we don’t develop expectations.
We want these words to be well placed and carry that special value of what we are feeling.
However awkward or graceful our delivery, we want them to find the desired target.
These are powerful words
Utter these words too soon in a budding relationship and it might just end it. .

The mere utterance can become binding as a type of emotional contract.
This can be a sweet magical union or a regretful mistake.
When love flourishes there is no greater feeling on earth.
It need not be viewed as a mistake. Not if it is said and received in unconditional terms.
Again we throw our hearts into the deep end and flounder for footing.
Unconditional love is rare indeed.
There is a universal understanding about love.
It doesn’t discriminate anywhere on the planet.
This leads me to think this may be true off planet as well.
Love is beyond our limited beliefs and yet we have limited our expressions of it.
The whole world wants to be in love and yet the whole world isn’t.
We all know how it feels, and how it hurts, but can we rise beyond our conditions to truly achieve it?
True love cannot be defined or contained.
It doesn’t care about scenarios or appropriateness. It just wants to be expressed.
This is an energy beyond the complications we created in our societies and our own minds.
Love just maybe the greatest connector humankind will ever know.
It could be the greatest connector we will ever have to our star brothers and sisters.
It is the purist connection we have with ourselves.
I wonder if self love is that thread that leads us back to the depths of divine love. Into the depth of our feelings.
No one can deny that love is exponential in its feeling when shared with another.
But how is it possible to love another without first starting with the self.
Is it not the expression of self that goes out to others when we say ‘I love you’ ?
It starts with ‘I’.
These three simple words, as complicated as we make them, may be the greatest step towards the unification of our world and beyond.
I have found for myself that it is becoming easier and easier to say these words.
I use them to say goodbye when leaving certain friends.
I have noticed that people react differently as different comfort levels are at play.
That’s okay.
I have also noticed more and more people are using these words in this way.
I really think that more people are speaking from their hearts and it is a lovely thing to witness.
Perhaps this is a step into our galactic selves.
It certainly is a step towards unconditional love and learning how to give and receive without judgement, expectations and conditions.
The transmission of love is more than just three cherished words.
It is a profound vibration that flows more divinely than we currently have words to explain.
Let’s love one another right now.
From my heart to yours,
I love you.
Foundations of Love | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/14/2023 01:12:00 PM