“I want this for me”
By Steve Beckow, July 8, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
It’s common among Hindu sages to observe that the chief obstacle to peace and enlightenment is attachment to “I want.”
Attachment to ego and desire.
I think I’m correct in saying that the ego, which is just another form of “I,” is called into action by the rise of a desire.
To every “want” there is a “wanter” who satisfies it or fails in the trying.
Andrew Cohen once pointed out that we feel peace when we buy a fancy car not because we own the car but because we now stop wanting. (1)
How far the ego goes in satisfying its wants is what separates a Gandhi from a Hitler.
A Gandhi would not sacrifice his peace of mind to a personal want. A Hitler would go to war over his.
Draw a line under the discussion here.
So far we’ve been talking in a certain manner and the fact that we restrict ourselves may provide a vital clue as to why real peace is so little felt in the world.
So far we’ve restricted ourselves to what we now know as the Third Dimension of reality. But peace itself, real peace, “resides” on a higher dimension.
We didn’t know the house had an attic.
In fact it has several floors above it. But, like Plato’s cave-dwellers, we couldn’t see because we were fascinated with shadows.
When our guides and guardians determine it’s time, we’re given an experience of that higher-dimensional peace – and now everything is clear.
Of course, THIS is the source of Gandhi’s strength and Hitler’s weakness. Of course THIS is really what the Company of Heaven is referring to when they speak of peace, not a mere cessation of war.
I experienced this peace while in meditation. I’ll put a description of the experience in the footnotes. (2)
Like love, if I take my attention off this wonderful peace and attach it to fulfilling the desire for a piece of toast, it disappears. I thy Lord am a jealous God.
Attachment to “I want” is the chief obstacle to peace.
Ohmygosh, you say, give up my dream car for peace? Why?
Just saying that shows you haven’t experienced it. If you had, you’d never say it.
I was reading the Divine Mother the other day and she was saying what’s better in life than feeling better? And there is nothing that surpasses feeling the divine qualities like peace, love, and bliss.
Why do we think so many people who have are no longer accumulating possessions, but getting rid of the clutter they already have? The feelings associated with the pleasure of possession are as imperceptible now as a lamp’s light in the sunlight. They’re there; just eclipsed by the divine state.
And then, with Ascension – with Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Vijnana (3) – we’re liberated from these lower-dimensional tugs on our consciousness and permanently anchored in peace, love, and bliss.
(1) Andrew pointed out that our society is hypnotized with wanting. When we want intensely, we’ll do anything to satisfy it. When we have the object of our wanting, our wanting ceases and we experience peace.
We say, “Now that I have my dream car, I feel peace.” In reality we experience peace because we ceased wanting. See Andrew Cohen, The Promise of Perfection. Lenox: Moksha Press, 1998.
I’m aware of Andrew’s fall from grace and think he has addressed it.
(2) While lying down, I had an experience of watching my thoughts and feelings flow
by me. Later, Archangel Michael, in a personal reading, told me that I was
“interdimensionally travelling.”
I felt as if I were on a train, watching it slowly leave the station and looking at the
faces as they passed by. I suddenly saw a red-headed man who had remarkable
composure. Time slowed down. I was struck by it on a spiritual level and took a mental
As soon as the man was recognized, it was as if he shot out an energetic dart at me.
A bond was made.
And I said to myself: “I know this depth of peace that this man has given me. It’s
the Natural Self.”
Immediately I found myself sinking into a deep, deep sense of peace, way down
deep. I ended up in a place that was absolutely solid. It was as if I were standing on
a slab of granite.
Later again, in An Hour with an Angel, Michael described peace as being like
stone and I remarked that that was my experience as well. I would have expected
downy softness.
The solidity of the ground under my feet probably reflected my own inner stability,
which seems to be a gift of true peace when it becomes permanent.
This peace passed understanding in the sense that the mind was so still I’d have to
describe it as inactive, archived, taken offline. There was no such act as
understanding going on because the mind was decommissioned.
Of course the experience passed, as all do short of Ascension. (An Ascension Ethnography, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/An-Ascension-Ethnography-9.pdf, p. 467.)
My experience of peace had stages. In this stage, I experienced peace through a body-centered consciousness and I felt as heavy as granite. Later I moved beyond experiencing peace through the body and now felt peace as an incredible lightness of being.
(3) See :Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-R4.pdf
New Maps of Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/New-Maps-of-Ascension-R4.pdf
Being Attached to “I Want”: The Chief Obstacle to Peace | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/08/2023 06:34:00 AM