Monday, July 31, 2023

Aliveness is all Around you | Alcazar

Aliveness Is All Around You

Understand that youthing is a byproduct of becoming more alive. Once you understand this, you understand the key to click into a higher octave of living for aliveness is all around. You chose again. In your inner world, so often you are magnetized, drawn again and again to the woundedness. And what we have been saying these days is you can view this from an elevated perspective. It is not that your wounds will no longer arise, for they are still there because there is some learning for you still to integrate. So, what is truly possible for you is to infuse those places with observation, a kind of elevated observation that allows, like a chisel, for pieces of the past to fall away, to create space, to breathe more life into the depths of your human experience. Life is all around you. Your life has left imprints that are, in a sense, still living within you. And yet, if you can view these imprints as having been formed and forged in your formative years in a certain energetic environment, then you can understand you have already lifted so far beyond that. And so, every time these moments in time arise, there is the potential for a kind of infusion of love.


Costa Rica, 2023 - Youthing in the Blue Zone

Day 6, Session 1