Friday, June 16, 2023

You're a Part of God | Prageet

You’re a Part of God

The amount of consciousness that we're actually living right now is a tiny, tiny part of who we really are. Alcazar talks about our Superconscious self, which is that part of self which you can call your soul, if you like. A lot of people relate to that term. That is part of Spirit, part of God. That is who you really are. It's very hard for the mind to imagine, "Well, how can I be part of God?" But that's the reality that we're moving towards. In fact, what Alcazar has said in the past is that it's all really this energy field that has many names. Sometimes it's [called] the Quantum Field, sometimes the field, sometimes the still point, sometimes the vortex, depending on the phrases that particular individuals like to use. But it's all about the Quantum Field. So, what is the Quantum Field? The Quantum Field is a vast field of pure potential within which the third dimension exists and all the other dimensions exist, all the different universes exist. It's beyond our abilities to truly imagine it. But this field is not out there somewhere. It is around us. We're in it. We're vibrating part of it.


Towards the 13th – Intro Talk