You Most of All | Heavenletters
JUN 6 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Now that you have burst out of your shell of ego, now that you see the shell for the nothingness it is, you wonder what you do now, and what happens next.
First you be. Be in your new awareness. You have stepped out. It may feel strange to you at first, as though you are unshielded in a forest. Or, as if you had slept for a long time, and now, newly awakened, for a moment you are unsure where you are. For a moment, you may even wonder who you are, or if you are, and what is your connection to that which is around you, or if you are indeed connected at all or even here at all.
Perhaps you feel adrift in a little boat in a big ocean. You cannot find the oars. But the oars you once held kept you going around in a circle, and it will take a little while for you to know you are better off without them.
Perhaps you find yourself sitting on a tree branch, and you don’t know how you got there. You don’t know if you were thrown up from the ground or if you fell down from the sky.
Once you get your bearings (which means once you see you get along well without bearings), you see how tall is the tree you sit on, or you see how deep in the forest you are, or how high are the waves of the ocean you sail on, or you wonder if it is perhaps the sky you sail on, not an ocean at all. Or perhaps you are the ocean or the sky or the tree in the forest, or you are nowhere at all, which means to say you are nowhere familiar to you.
For you are somewhere. You are in My heart forevermore, and in My heart you remain. Your vantage point is My heart, and you cannot drift from it. You are established in My heart, and it is from My heart that your adventure begins.
You dared to venture into this seeming new land, and that is your adventure. And you discover that is where you had been all along. But you had not seen, and you had thought other thoughts.
You thought you were a wanderer, and now you find you are a farmer. You thought you were a waif, and now you find you are a princess. You thought you were only human, and now you find you are holy as well. I will not call you an angel because you will turn away from that idea in shock and disbelief. So I will mouth angel only to Myself, for I know your wings, and I know from where you have flown, and where you fly to.
Someday you will accept your angelness on earth. And when you do, the whole universe will fly with you. You will greet yourself in Oneness, and you will know from whence you came and where you are and where you go and Whom you travel with.
You will know My heart and your place in it.
You are beginning to know now.
That is why you find yourself aloft on a treetop or on a wave of the ocean. And you are the treetop, My beloved’s, and you are the wave. You most assuredly are a wave of My heart flowing to the universe, borne on the immutable winds of love. You are like a seed that the wind blows to just the right place for it to grow. You are My love that the wind deposits there. And all is My love, and you are most of all My love.
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You Most of all | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/07/2023 03:03:00 AM