Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Possibility of Feeling Tired After Energy Work | Alcazar

The Possibility of Feeling Tired After Energy Work

There's a great possibility that you will feel tired after energy work, simply because if you allow the gift of the energies coming from your Superconscious self and those supporting your Superconscious self, then there will be a shift even in the physicality in the body. [There is] a cleansing, as the body on a physical level starts to rearrange or upgrade itself. Then there's a great possibility of feeling very tired, needing more rest. It is of great importance for you to drink plenty of clean pure water because there will be a detoxification happening for many to flush out all those compounds in the body that are not healthy. Flushing them out with plenty of water will prevent this feeling of having the body overwhelmed by releasing toxins.


Quantum Evolution

Pre-Maui, 2023 - Session 6