Suddenly... One Day... | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, June 1, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Well, you’ve given us another’s month’s lease on life and for that we thank you.

I feel the urge to switch more into awareness writing at the moment, stream of consciousness, flow. If you’d allow me….

This is a lightworker juggling all the demands of life while serving.

I can’t speak for anyone else so I’ll have to ask myself: I wonder if I will stop writing after the Reval?

I know the answer is “No.” Human growth does not stop with the acquisition of sudden wealth.

If anything, sudden wealth, to use Sue Lie’s Arcturians’ word, is another test, another trial, another “initiation.” They said on the subject:

“Sudden reception of a great deal of money is a huge initiation…. A huge initiation. And as you know, whenever you expand your consciousness or you move into the next place, you have to shed a great deal of darkness that prevented you from being there and in order to shed it you must find it and love it free.” (1)

Good advice. If you love it, you release its grip. Having been accepted, it then leaves. Only what we resist persists.

So we’re now forewarned that coming into sudden wealth is a huge initiation. Buckle up.

How else would a writer handle the stresses and strains of a huge initiation like that except by writing about it? That won’t change.

The Divine Mother did not say you’ll write until you get rich and then you can have 200 years off. I’m here for the duration.

And then you can bury me with a notepad and a pen in my back pocket. Oh. I don’t die this lifetime? OK.


For some unknown reason, my upsets lift and my rewards are found as a result of writing; more specifically, self-expression. For someone else it might be building something. And for someone else being the wealthiest person on the planet.

I have on occasion felt fully self-expressed and … what would you expect? It turns out to be another divine state, which we haven’t really recognized and certainly don’t accord its rightful place.

Full self-expression presupposes freedom and freedom is what we’re fighting for. At least for me. For you it might be the ability to travel. For another the ability to read ancient texts uncensored.

But all of us take for granted and value freedom and, in my case, full self-expression.

And, for me, only in writing. I have no desire to be speaking into a microphone. I’d probably clam up.

Here, in writing, I am who I am, monarch in my own domain, the Great Pretender, (2) pretending to be who I’m not until … suddenly … one day…. (3)


(1) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Sue Lie, July 22, 2014.

(2) The Platters, The Great Pretender.

(3) For “suddenly … one day,” see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

And … pssssttt … don’t forget to pass it on: The purpose of life is enlightenment. That is one thing I want everyone to know.

For more on the path of awareness generally (or the awareness game), see:On Transformative Awareness at
Toward a New Age Philosophy at

For an account of my own spiritual experiences since 1987 from the perspective of awareness, see:An Ascension Ethnography at
Suddenly... One Day... | Steve Beckow Suddenly... One Day... | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/02/2023 09:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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