Be a Hero | Heavenletters
JUN 7 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
No matter how someone treats you, you are love. Your love is not dependent upon how someone treats you. They may not treat you right, but you can treat them right. They may let the door slam in your face, but you can, nevertheless, hold the door open for them. They may not say Thank you to you for a courtesy, but you can still be one who thanks. They may be hateful, but you are not one who has to respond in kind. Life is not an eye for an eye. What a limited thought!
You cannot be diminished by rising above another’s portrayal of themselves. What they say or do has to do with them, not you.
You are far more than a responder. You are a giver. You give from your heart.
Exchanges need not be equal. You are not trying to match someone else’s behavior, pro or con. We are talking about love in your heart. From whence comes the love in your heart?
The love in your heart is not meant to be signaled only from love received.
Immeasurable love is not to be measured. Love is not a receipt for service rendered, one exacted by another.
When your hurt at another’s offense is great, the least you can do is put them into My light. In that way, you release them from your thoughts, and so you are released. Otherwise, you make a victim of yourself, and that is not what you want to be. You are the only one who can declare yourself victim. No one else can. They may wish to, but they do not have the say. It is up to you. It is your decision.
I do not declare you victim. I declare you above loss or gain. Do not countermand what I say. Of what value can that be?
You are meant to be a hero in life. What makes a hero? A hero is one who rises to the occasion. He considers: What is needed? A hero saves a child in a fire. He does not give himself all the reasons why he should not. Be a hero to yourself.
When someone is unkind to you, you may think of good reason to be unkind back, but that is fraudulent use of a Human heart. Besides, to list all the reasons is not a reasonable thing to do.
If you are painting a canvas, and you see there is too much black, you do not solve it by putting in more black. You put in another color. There are some colors you can have too much of, and there are some colors you cannot have too much of. What is the color of love?
You have a repertoire of colors. And you are the chooser of which you use. You are always someone with a choice. You are never without a choice on how you respond.
I am not telling you to be a goody-goody. I am telling you to be wise. I am telling you to change a dank situation rather than escalate it. Satisfaction in having the upper hand is short-lived. For a moment you may feel vindicated, but you have consigned yourself to being one with little imagination.
A hero puts an end to something. He puts out a fire. He does not fan the flames.
A hero is an alchemist. You are an alchemist. You are an alchemist who can change anger into wisdom. At a moment’s notice, you can. I serve you notice now.
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Be a Hero | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/08/2023 03:48:00 AM