Tuesday, May 9, 2023

You are Far More than you Have Imagined | Alcazar

You Are Far More Than You Have Imagined

Beloved Ones, you are all, without exception, far more than you have imagined yourselves to be even in your wildest imaginings, even when you allowed the flights of fancy, the higher frequency, the elevated states to speak to you and through you. You are more than that. You are far beyond your wildest imaginings. Feel the frequencies as we say this to you, for it is the energy of the more of who you truly are, knocking on your door. Invite this depth of self to speak directly, to whisper in your ear, to caress your humanness these days for you are on the verge of awakening. We have said that the elevation that is happening in human consciousness is exponential. Well, Beloveds, get ready. You are about to experience first-hand the part where you skyrocket. There is nothing to do. In order to achieve this. It is just to be yourself, to be yourself and to allow self to gently elevate in these energy fields.


Slovenia Global Gathering, 2022

Day 1- Session 1