Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Thoughts Manifest | Prageet

Thoughts Manifest

What you speak is very powerful. So, what we're all wanting to do, whatever changes you want in your body - more health, more vitality, more abundance, more love - whatever it is - it all comes as you raise your vibration and your focus. Most of the time, we're wandering around in a semiconscious state. All the old programs are constantly running. So, we just repeat the same kind of lifestyle again and again. The Stargate is about changing that, being aware on a very deep level, not just with the concept in the mind, but being aware that you are creating moment by moment. Every thought, every vibration is a creative force. It's not obvious at first, but when you start just to allow for that possibility, when you start to think, “Oh, maybe that's true. So I'm going to start being more aware about what I do, what I say, how I feel.” As soon as you start to become more aware of it, you start to notice little things.


Towards the 13th Dimension

102 Session 1 Full Audio