(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Steve Rother
It is time to become part of the change.
You can see what happens when one goes through some of these shifts, it is felt in different areas. Sometimes it’s around your surroundings or your physical body. Other times it’s the energy you have set up in order to do your work. But there is change at hand right now on many different levels and this is an opportunity to be part of that.
What we ask all of you to do, and we know it’s not easy, is to step out of the victimhood of it.
Step out of the fact that you’re constantly looking for ways to heal yourself, because you can actually bring through that healing to offer to others. When you bring healing energy through your own physicality, even if it’s healing with words, music or in any other way, you set your own energy into health alignment.
Find new ways to ground the energy of healing light that all of you must carry here on planet Earth.
It’s not easy being a human. The spirit has to tie into this dense physical body and step through the different levels.
Now there’s a new generation coming in and you will see them step into adulthood in less than five years. You will find that many of the things that you have been teaching, which seem to have fallen on deaf ears, have actually been planted as seeds of light.
Yes, things will be changing. Even the Earth herself has started to shift, slowing down that inner core and stopping it all together to reset her energy. The Earth is on a physical plane and exists in that dimension, which also allows you an opportunity to reset your energy.
So, step into that and be part of that change. Anticipate it, research it and find out what works for you. Each and every one of you have new opportunities, so dare to be the change you seek.
Mother Earth is changing. Right now she’s shifting her energy to make space on the planet for the new 5D humans. They will be able to reach through the multidimensional levels, reuniting with parts of yourself that you long ago lost.
Most of you aren’t even aware of the other dimensions of yourself. Yet when you combine them all together, you are the perfect spirit that you’ve always known yourself to be.
When you leave the physical body behind and all 11 dimensions go Home, you reunite into the perfect spirit and become part of that. Actually, there are many doing that even now while still in the physical. That’s why we wanted to bring you the information in the Crossing the Veil book, so people could be aware of what is taking place and lose some of the fear around it.
When a person crosses the veil with fear, they end up having to recoup that time and energy on the other side. It doesn’t involve recouping time per se, but rather the energetics that allow you to step right across the veil and dance in the light.
Yes, most of you are staying. You’ll reset your energy, even if you’re dealing with life-threatening issues right now. And there are many tools coming forward, some will even be carried in by this new generation of 5G humans.
Yes, you have been holding this door open. Most of you have been healers time and time again, planting the seeds of the new Earth and the energetics. Some of you have even paid a physical or emotional price to do this. You had to go through difficulties energetically to reset your own energy multiple times.
New Voices
What we ask you to do now is to listen, for there are new voices on Earth. There are also new voices on the other side of the veil where we reside. They are trying to get through to you all the time, but you’re used to tuning in on only one level. Broaden your reach, look at the larger aspect and dare to speak about it when you find it.
You will even hear your own channels and new information coming through in different ways.
How can you be part of this change? It’s very simple, set your intent. Set your focus to be part of the change, part of the new Earth, and then watch what happens. Things start changing piece by piece. Yes, you’ll even find your own physical body rejuvenating to some degree.
Some of you have already worked with or even taught some of this information. But now it is time for you to reap the benefits from it as well.
You now have new opportunities of light gathering on Earth with this new generation. It’s starting to take place all around you, and even though it’s fairly new you’ll find it. Enjoy the journey, dear ones, and know that you are in the right place at the right time.
Breathe into your being and know that the light is all around you. You have left a trail of light on this planet already, and now it’s time for you to receive the results of that light.
The new generation of beings are now coming to this planet and are about to take their places. They’re here now stepping into early adulthood, but it’s only the beginning of this change.
The Earth herself is setting up for massive change. Will it affect humanity? Absolutely. It will actually give you a new place to create a new game.
What if you were starting over with the game of planet Earth? How would that work for you?
Now is the time to have those dreams, to set those energies and your intention to be part of that. It’s a wonderful time to be here on planet Earth. Dear ones, you are magical creator beings pretending to be separate and finite. When in truth, you are infinite beings having an experience in a small dimension of time-space.
Hold that energy in your heart. As we’ve mentioned many times, love as much as you can in any direction that you can.
And if you’re having challenges with the physicality, love the physicality. Love your bodies and their challenges, for they have brought you to higher vibrations and taught you how to open up. Empaths will now have a new role to play.
You are the magical beings that have decided to be here at this time of change. These are not the easiest contracts that you’ve made, but we’re not worried. You see, the greatest angels that have ever lived are here on the planet. We’re speaking to you right now.
Take Your Power
Hold your power and know that it’s yours, even over the physicality. Yes, you can work in harmony with much of the new energy.
As these new beings open up and start to step forward into the seeds of light that you have planted, you’ll feel validated. You’ll feel understood in new ways, for healing is here on Earth.
It is with the greatest of honor, dear ones, that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Make space for these new humans. Know that you are the precursors of the new Earth.
Understand that you are never alone here.
Nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together as you create this new game.
The Group: “Stepping into Change” | Steve Rother
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/13/2023 09:27:00 PM