(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
The idea that our bodies are going through a chrysalis birthing into crystalline energy is fascinating to me.
The idea that we have crystals in our bodies waiting to be activated is exciting.
Those that have been working with the Pineal gland know the type of focus it takes to bring this transformation into awareness.
We work with the vibration and connect to source.
We work at transcending our bodies all while using our bodies as our tools to do this.
And we do this in order to bring our bodies into that higher vibration.
Now, while we can leave our bodies and astral travel, sit in zero point or do spiritual work elsewhere, it is important to maintain that connection to our bodies.
I often sit in meditation and leave my body. The breath keeps me connected. Without it I would not have a body to come back to.
All our efforts to raise our vibration really does depend on how prepared our bodies are to receive it.
We are learning more about this every day. Connecting with self, with source and the body has been our greatest aspiration. So we surround ourselves with clean water, crystals and try to eat right.
A High vibe diet is not the diet most of us have learned during this lifetime.
Finding the right way to keep our bodies at optimal health has been part of the programming or disinformation campaign.
In fact the struggle for our bodies is quite real.
Look at all the toxins that have been thrown at us.
They are in the food , in the water, in the air and administered to us as medicine to keep us ‘healthy’.
The overbearing amounts of EMF’s, in-congruent hertz from our music and psychic attacks are never ending as fear continues to bombard us.
It really is quite astonishing we are still standing. It just goes to show, in a way, we are immortal.
Immortal in that we continue to defy the odds. We are incredible souls with great fortitude.
They have to keep throwing more and more attacks at us to try to bring us down.
Yet we are prevailing.
This does not mean it’s easy.
Our bodies are quite damaged. It takes every possible effort to navigate these waters with the least amount of exposure to toxins.
I don’t think any of us get out unscathed. Our bodies are the filters in a toxic environment.
So no matter if you think you are living right your body will still need healing for something, somewhere, somehow.
One of my favorite movies is Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn in the African Queen.
Our bodies are a vessel like the boat The African Queen. It has all we need to sail a great voyage.
It can take us through thick and thin and still carry us into the sunset.
Even the African Queen got bogged down and needed help getting pushed through stagnant, murky, leech infested water.
I could have been better at preparing myself for the leech field.
Maybe It was arrogance or ignorance that led to my battle with health issues.
But blame is not helpful to any one. Read that one again.
Acceptance is working well for me.
I accept that when I need to push my vessel through a leech pond, I need to get in the water and get it done.
Toxins are clogging our filters and we need to be vigilant.
We are the captain of our vessel and we will sail or go down with our ship.
I understand we truly are immortal.
But to make this transition with our bodies intact is an arduous task.
This is a healing journey. For all of us. For Gaia, for humanity and beyond.
This is a coming together of the mind, body and soul. Not one over the other, but for them to come together in harmony.
Sometimes my mind is overpowering and I put myself in stress and turmoil because I want to be invincible.
I want to be fully high vibration, pushing for the sunrise.
But I am not ready to go without my vessel, so I need to stay connected and listen to what my body needs.
I am here to help it along.
As we approach the unfurling of our wings and revealing our beauty as ascended beings, let us also show grace to our battle scars.
Our bodies have been hit hard, they need our love.
I give myself, all of me, the love and grace of a mother. As Gaia who loves her children. As Divine mother who loves unconditionally.
Let it be so.
Love and healing to all.
The African Queen | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/06/2023 10:08:00 PM