(Rainbow Wave of Light)
May 27, 2023
The song included below has been playing in my home all morning! It is with real joy that I share the following. These messages were given on 5.25.23 and today, 5.27.23.
I woke up (5.25.23) knowing that something had changed, things felt viscerally different. It was an odd sensation and stayed with me for hours. Later that day, the following conversation occurred:
It is the One.
Can you tell me what I was feeling this morning?
You are experiencing what it feels like to sense the collective’s journey. What changed last night is that a “war lord” was executed. This drastically alters the fight and speeds the trajectory. You are on a faster course of action at this point. It means an acceleration.
This is what you feel. You feel “off” because the speed of your movement towards liberation has increased. You feel “behind” and as if you aren’t ready for it all. The other thing you feel is that you have “missed the boat”. You feel late or behind, and this agitates you.
Nothing “bad” accelerates. This was an unexpected victory and many players remove themselves as a result of the departure. It is good news for the movement. It is good news for the planet and its people.
You may notice major shifts in direction. The fallout is real. All of the forces are rejuvenated because of this outing. All of the forces are inspired now because without this player, the clean-up will be quicker.
Those who see that this can happen to one at such a level, are jumping ship or offing themselves or turning “state’s evidence”. All of this helps the Alliance. All of this means a quicker ending to the battle. This you feel as agitation and change. It is not an easy vibe.
I was woken in the early morning hours. The following conversation took place:
It is the One.
Things have happened. We will discuss them now.
The controllers have been defeated. Their direct influence here is over. Their reign is finished.
What happens next is anyone’s guess. The human players of their games may or may not know of their defeat. What they do know however, is that they have everything to lose once they are discovered and outed. It’s up to Man to determine what will be done now. For the major force of the controllers is just gone.
You will see, and quite clearly now, who is promoting fear and division still. These will be humans who see no problem in capitalizing on fear; i.e., taking advantage of it to make money.
What will play out now will be most telling. What you should see, if you are to believe in the fact that there is an Alliance for “good” in charge – are major disclosures of all kinds.
The cabal is no longer a threat. The War has been won.
What happens now will be rapid and it will be a grand unveiling. Much will be apparent to those who know the Truth.
You will quickly discern each player’s loyalty, and see who or what is propelling them. It will be obvious.
This story plays out for years. Yet now, the motivation and desire of each one of you will be what is driving your life. This is the reason we focused so much (recently) on control of your conscious creative ability. It will be useful and will only expand in the atmosphere of today.
The battle is over. The light has won.
You are now “held down” only by those humans who sold their souls for profit and who have only their own protection and benefit as a driving force. Watch carefully. The playbook is about to get interesting.
This is what I wanted to tell you today. We will speak again.
That is all.
Thank you.
So that’s it! Please share in the comments if you have noticed anything from your perspective.
This is cause for celebration! It is time for us to roll up our sleeves and actively engage in building New Earth! I love you all so very much. It is an honor to share this moment! Please share it wherever you feel inspired to.
With deep appreciation,
Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. “A Re-Imagination“, which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here)
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It’s Over | Sophia Love
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/27/2023 10:57:00 PM