Saturday, May 20, 2023
Allowing the New to Come into your Life | Alcazar
Allowing the New to Come into Your Life
We wish you to really feel your readiness and part of feeling your readiness will be, yes, an anticipation of something new and beautiful, but also something which you are not so willing to look at: the fear of change. The fear of, "Oh, what happens if I open to the new and my physical reality falls apart?" We are not saying that your lives will become tumultuous. But we are saying that there is a great potential for rearranging your life experiences. Very often when higher levels of changes occur, the old reality has to adjust. And so, you might feel changes happening in the body as you realign to a higher energetic. So, you might experience something like colds, the body feeling tired. But Beloveds celebrate these things because it is an indication that you are allowing the new to come into your life.
Quantum Evolution
Session 6 - Pre-Maui Livestream, 2023