Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Alcazar on Self-talk | Alcazar

Alcazar on Self-talk

It is time to hold the same compassion for yourself that you would hold for someone, perhaps a small child, perhaps an animal that you care deeply about, perhaps your best friend. Start to see if you can switch the way you talk to yourself, to be the nurturer rather than the one who is tearing down. And we recognize and honor that this is not actually an issue for all of you, but it has been something that this one, Julianne, has recognized deeply affecting her and her own life, this tendency toward focusing quite intensely on the negative at times. Beloveds, this is an evolutionary tendency. Recognize that there is what your scientists are calling the negativity bias. What does this mean? It means that in nature, in order to survive, your brain-mind mechanism learned to focus on what was wrong rather than the many things that were right. Because it is in [thinking], “Oh, there could be a tiger in that bush,” that you were able to stay safe. -


Essence of Serenity, 2018

Alcazar on Self-talk