Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Travel Guide to the Higher Realms | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 21, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

It was very early in the morning and I was reading Sosan’s Hsin Hsin Ming (Book of Nothing). (1)

At such an advanced level of enlightenment, (2) one’s path is by necessity an awareness path. And the degree of awareness that Sosan talks about!

Duality appears in minutest traces;
carefully avoid the trap. …

Rather than focus on knowing the truth
simply cease to be seduced by your opinions.
If there is even an inkling of right or wrong
The enlightened mind ceases to be. (3)

“Even an inkling of right or wrong.” Wow, that is a high standard to reach. Even an inkling. But well worth aiming for.

I love this explanation for avoiding right and wrong – “the enlightened mind ceases to be.”

Rather than focus on knowing the truth
simply cease to be seduced by your opinions.
If there is even inkling of right or wrong
the enlightened mind ceases to be.

The enlightened mind ceases to be and the intellectual mind begins to separate things out into right/wrong, good/bad, beautiful/ugly, and we awaken again in this Third-Dimensional world of separation. I’ve never penetrated that far that I could see the process.

This one describes a level of stillness that I can only admire:

When the mind is still,
nothing can disturb it.
When nothing can disturb it,
reality ceases to exist in the old way.

I take that description as encouragement to keep going, myself, and store his words away.


But “reality ceases to exist in the old way.” That could be problematic.

I’d love to follow the path that Sosan lays out wholeheartedly – and to the end! But if I went too far, I wouldn’t be doing this.

Imagine if I followed this counsel:

To experience reality,
stop using words;
for the more you talk about things
the farther away from the truth you stray. (3)


Going deeply into what Sosan describes at this time would be wonderful, but would remove me from my soul contract to write. Except perhaps haiku!

Michael explains:

Archangel Michael: Our desire is not to separate you from the collective. (4)

AAM: Because you are a communicator, it is important not only to share the truth of your being, of our being, but also to be able to clearly relate to people where they are. (5)

AAM: It is important that you speak and communicate in language that people understand, embrace and can get behind. (6)

AAM: If you venture, as you would often like, too far ahead of the crowd, then who are you speaking to? (7)

As you can see, he’s said it enough times that it actually got through and sank in.

We’re, all of us, as the Mother and Michael have explained, (8) angels. That means that all of us will, if we wish, return to the Transcendental after our missions are complete. (9) There’s no need to hunger after enlightenment at this moment.

Well, a little enlightenment perhaps, enough to release the treasure trove of love in our hearts. (10)

But I thrill to read Sosan nonetheless. This is not futuristic science fiction. For those who are free to pursue it, this is a travel guide to the higher realms.


(1) “Sosan’s Hsin Hsin Ming; or, The Book of Nothing,” May 14, 2023, at

(2) “Advanced” looking at it from the standpoint of Third-Dimensional classical-enlightenment-theory. Looking at it from the standpoint of an interdimensional world, it’s just the beginning.

(3) The Book of Nothing. A Song of Enlightenment. Sosan’s Hsin Hsin Ming. (Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2002.

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2015. (Hereafter AAM.)

(5) AAM, April 19, 2017.

(6) AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.

(7) AAM, Aug. 21, 2015.

(8) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

(9) Others will choose to remain in the dimensional world.

(10) That occurs when the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra. Ascension itself is a full and permanent heart opening and, I’d expect, a torrential release of love.