Friday, April 14, 2023

Your Heart is the Communicator | Alcazar

Your Heart Is the Communicator

It has been thought for a long time that the brain was the controller. But what they [Heartmath Institute] have found is that far more messages go from the heart to the brain than those messages that go from the brain to the heart. This is why in spiritual arenas the heart has been emphasized. The heart is a communicator. Your heart actually receives much direction from your Superconsciousness if you are available to receive it. The energies of your heart are associated with love. Humanity has been aware of that for a long time. But now there is a scientific understanding that it is much more than just love. Your heart is actually the communicator, the receiver of information from your Superconsciousness.


Stargate Summer Camp, 2017

Day 3 - How Our Superconsciousness Connect into the Body