Your Awareness Is Needed
So, how to break free [from conditioning]? Beloveds, it is very simple. Your awareness is needed. If you are watchful, if you pay attention, you will see that these old patterns, they are triggered on their own. You do not have to go looking for them. When you understand that you are in a kind of flashback, you can take pause. You can take note. You can say, "Okay, I know this feeling so well. My gut feels like it has cobwebs in it. My thoughts are telling me X, Y, and Z. Perhaps that I am not good enough. Perhaps that I did not provide for another. Perhaps that I am being selfish." And then you can ask yourself, "Whose thought is this?" Because it is not your own. So often you think these thoughts are your own, but they are not. And so, if you can take a moment to distance yourself and examine your inner world, that moment of awareness can become the moment that you alchemize your energy field.
Maui Stargate Retreat, Week 1, 2023
Day 3 - Session 1