Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Impact of Climate Change on the Animal Kingdom | Steve Beckow

SaLuSa of Sirius

By Steve Beckow, April 18, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

A reader asked about the destiny of the animal kingdom. It would be worth listen in to the Company of Heaven on the subject.

What will the new climate be like on Nova Earth?

Matthew Ward: Melting glaciers and icebergs and weather anomalies are paving the way to a favorable climate globally, to the restoration of barren lands so they can become arable again and the end of both the hottest and the polar regions. (1)

Archangel Uriel: Temperate climates [will] enfold and embrace not only humanity but each of you personally, as well as every flower, every blade of grass, every pebble, every grain of sand. (2)

SaLuSa: If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago.

The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur. (3)

How will it impact the animal kingdom?

Matthew Ward

Matthew: Some animal species will become extinct, those that cannot adapt to the serious changes in their habitats; but others will be able to adjust to the changes and flourish.

Gradually all animals will become herbivores and the outcry to kill numbers of “predators” will cease. In the meantime, please continue your efforts to protect all animal life, to stop the terrible abuse and end the slaughtering on land and in the seas. Humans’ inhumane treatment of animals has caused a staggering amount of negativity for Earth to deal with. (4)

Matthew: Sadly, some marine populations and animal species living in frigid temperatures will not survive, but most can adapt far more readily to rising ocean and land temperatures than they can live in polluted waters or in sonar testing areas or in cages, much less evade slaughter for pelts or tusks, “scientific experiments,” or delicacies such as caviar and fins. Some low-lying coastal areas and islands will be affected, as I mentioned before along with stating that residents will have time to move to higher areas and be compensated for relocation. (5)

Matthew: Melting glaciers and icebergs and weather anomalies are paving the way to a favorable climate globally, to the restoration of barren lands so they can become arable again and the end of both the hottest and the polar regions.

Yes, this means that some animal species will become extinct, those that cannot adapt to the serious changes in their habitats; but others will be able to adjust to the changes and flourish. Gradually all animals will become herbivores and the outcry to kill numbers of “predators” will cease. In the meantime, please continue your efforts to protect all animal life, to stop the terrible abuse and end the slaughtering on land and in the seas. Humans’ inhumane treatment of animals has caused a staggering amount of negativity for Earth to deal with. (6)

SaLuSa: As with the Human Race, the animal kingdom will also change and a number of species will completely disappear. They will be mainly those who normally live in the more extreme conditions, and are unable to adapt to the new Earth. They are not lost for all time but will find another planet where they can continue their evolution. All life is immortal and there are no exceptions, and changes take place all of the time as indeed you are now beginning to experience. (7)

SaLuSa: Species of animals will move to conditions that are more suited to their needs. (8)

Divine Mother, I heard that some extinct species will return.

Divine Mother: I have said long ago that when the time of restoration came, not only would there be the return of beings… animals, dolphins, winged ones… but that many of what people have thought of as ‘extinct species’ would return – and they are. (9)

DM: In the new world, many species that have been extinct will return. Your cities become places of fresh air and play and gardens. And so some of you will wish to take care of that and be part of that creation. So go where your heart pulls you. (10)

Archangel Michael: You have seen here and there sightings of species that have been spotted of late that were believed to be extinct. (11)


(1) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at

(2) Archangel Uriel in “Attention All Rainmakers: Calling for a Meditation This Saturday at 15:15,” at

(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 17, 2014, at

(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.

(5) Ibid., April 3, 2007.

(6) Ibid., Oct. 22, 2008.

(7) SaLuSa, Nov. 4, 2009.

(8) Ibid., February 6, 2015.

(9) “Universal Mother: Birthing the New – It is Time for the Joy to Return!” May 9, 2020, at

(10) “The Divine Mother: The Table is Set; You are Ready for the Dance,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sep. 18, 2014, at http://

(11) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 26, 2019.