Wednesday, April 12, 2023
The Frequencies of Avalon | Alcazar
The Frequencies of Avalon
The frequencies of Avalon, for so many of you, ripple through your beingness, opening that memory, "I have lived this before." Your civilization in Glastonbury has been through many iterations. The frequencies of Avalon have been all but receded, and yet they are still omnipresent here, still heightened in their accessibility. But understand there were different phases, different lived experiences. And so you could imagine this civilization at one point held a frequency, and humanity held a closeness to its more advanced past. And this frequency enabled those souls who were born to actually remember who they were, to remember certain, what you would call, "superpowers," to remember where they came from before they became human. So, we say this to you not to make grand promises. No, not at all, but to spark within you the remembrance. For as we have said, you are advanced souls.
Many of you have lived on this earth plain in the more advanced civilizations that came before the previous cataclysm. There is so much more that we can say of this, but as we have said, it is not about the words for your mind. It is in the opening through your own beingness that these frequencies [of Avalon] catalyze, for they speak to you of healing. They speak to you of restoration. They speak to you of what can only be described as magic, until you understand that miracles are indeed the everyday working of existence. And so we invite you to breathe, to be easy, to be in a state of heightened receptivity these days. But in effortlessness, the waves, the currents of spirit carrying you, for much can be revealed. But it cannot happen if you are grasping. It can only happen as you relax and allow.
Glastonbury, 2022 - Accelerated Ascension
004 - Focusing on Receptivity