Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Aquarian Age and a New 'Great Year' Began in 1998 | Parisse Deza

The Aquarian Age And A New 'Great Year' Began In 1998

- Parisse Deza, as featured in The Best Is Yet To Come

The following article is the foundation of the website The Best Is Yet To Come, an educational bridge from old paradigm to new. We feature selected articles to illumine the world situation, pieces of immediate relevance chronicling humanity's movement forward into a new paradigm.

We are in a movement through the early phases of the Aquarian Age, which, in fact, started in May of 1998. Yes, the Water-Bearer has been pouring already for over two decades. In this deeply researched article I offer solid scientific and historical details and a big perspective as evidence.

The Biggest Picture Is The Truest Picture

Since 1962, the Earth and humanity have been in a massive 72 year transit thru the one degree of space which aligns our Sun at winter solstice with the ecliptic (the ring of our solar system) where it forms a cross with the Milky Way (the edge of our galaxy) at galactic center, in the “Dark Rift”, a spooky, mystical, black area, potent with new stars.

This is the misunderstood transit many over-heated new-agers reduced to a single night in December of 2012. That was wrong. The transit will continue until 2034.

The Dark Rift is considered most sacred, and the Mayans, among others, pointed to it as one of their five “Great Cycles” of 5126 years within their “Grand Cycle” of 25,630 years which began in 23,618 BC and ended, presumably, in 2012 on the winter solstice.

The glitch is that we have decided that the Mayan ”finger pointing to the Moon,” the year 2012, is the heavenly body itself, and we have worshiped it, rather than letting it point us in a useful direction. Instead of being galactic, our view has been myopic. We need to stand back and take it all in. Understanding the 72 year transitional period allows us to redirect our attention so we move more easily into our ultimate destiny, unity consciousness. It offers a greater perspective about what this time means for us; that it is simultaneously the beginning of The Age of Aquarius and the Turning Of The Ages, the start of a new Great Year of 25,920 years, the precessional cycle which encompasses all twelve astrological ages of 2160 years apiece. This is a Very, Very Big Time.

To read the entire article go here:

And be sure to explore all the different resources we offer on the site.

Parisse Deza: A new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

He is the co-creator and care-giver of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.

Go here for all his articles: