By Steve Beckow, April 16, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Jeffrey has just published his book, Embodying Light, and has permitted us to take some excerpts from it in future.
Add Jeffrey’s voice to Sarah White’s yesterday and all the others who have come and are coming forward to demonstrate the shift in consciousness happening. (Look at that face!)
Still as a mountain lake
Still as a mountain lake.
Observing non-judgmentally,
the Divine play of maya.
Neti, neti, neti.
Still as a mountain lake.
Another thought cloud,
reflecting in the lake.
Neti, neti, neti.
Still as a mountain lake.
Neti, neti, neti.
The mountain lake dissolves,
leaving nothing.
Maya = Illusion, the world; the Divine Mother is Mahamaya, the Master Illusionist
Neti = [I am, God is] Not this
Steve: Embodying Light is available at Amazon. See https://www.amazon.ca/Embodying-Light-Crystalline-Lightworker-Meditations-ebook/dp/B0BVRQJQSP.
Jeffrey writes:
Years ago, I started having spiritual experiences such as out-of-body travel, visions of the Saints, messages from the animal kingdom, and unexplained synchronicities. Seeking to understand what I was experiencing, I began studying the metaphysical sciences (yoga, alchemy, theology), became a Kriya yoga meditation instructor by attending the Meditation Teachers Training Intensive (MTTI) at the Temple of Kriya Yoga for nine months (and then participated in an additional nine month internship), earned my metaphysics degree from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and served as an interfaith hospice chaplain and grief counselor.
Fifteen years of ministering to the dying, prayer, daily meditation, and devotion to God allowed me to serve others while staying anchored in Divine love, bhakti yoga, and a meditative lifestyle. Practicing and teaching the embodiment of divine light through service to others, prayer, contemplation, meditation, diet, pranayama, mantra, and communing with one’s personal form of the Divine is the way I am serving humanity. Maybe you are on a similar path?
For other voices, see The Power of Love and Truth at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/The-Power-of-Love-and-Truth.pdf.
Jeffrey Scott Pears: Still as a Mountain Lake | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/17/2023 12:37:00 AM