Monday, April 10, 2023
Befriending your Ego | Nicky Hamid
(Golden Age of Gaia)
It is extremely easy to understand your ego.
Everything in all Creation including You are in constant movement.
Change, flux, movement, spin, in and out, IS the name of the game of Creation.
Ego want nothing more than for you to remain where you are. In the safest place it has found for you.
It wants static, familiar, inertia, safe, certainty, control, predictable, expected,….etc.
Change, any change is uncomfortable, unknown, unpredictable and Scary for the ego.
It says to all change, “Warning, Danger, effort, uncomfortable, threatening to me. Don’t go there, It is far better to stay where you are”. “Think about it”, “check it out first”, ” ignore it” “hide yourself from it”.
When you know you need to change but are saying you do not know how to change it, then you do not want to change, you are postponing the inevitable change.
And as a Soul Being in HUman form you have been given the most Precious gift….FREEWILL.
You are the change and you are continually able to change, but you (ego you) simple is coming up with excuses for you not to be able to do what you are capable of in any given moment. What your Soul Being is asking of you.
You are being called to step into the VOID, but all your ego can do is nag you to AVOID.
How willing are you to change, to go with your own Flow of change?
It is Will, your will that is the key.
Your CHANGE comes from the choice to take hold of The Divine, Essential, Expansive, Knowing WILL of YOU, navigated through Heart direction REGARDLESS of the warnings of ego.
YOU are the CHANGE you have been waiting for.
It is time to put to rest forever the “illusionary safety of little mind” (ego self).
Let Change, New, Fresh, Clear, Expansive be your journey.
Rest in Peace Beloved ego.
Be still that I may fly FREE.
I So Love You
PS UNDERSTAND. Your ego is not your enemy.
It has been your fail-safe. It lets you know immediately whenever you are out of alignment with who you truly ARE. It points to you the conscious choice you are having to make in order to stand FREE.
BEFRIEND YOUR EGO. Teach it to rest NOW because the WAR in yourself is over.
It has done its job and you are so grateful for how it is pointing always to your Truth calling.