By Steve Beckow, March 9, 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
The view from my window right now: A houseboat being relocated by the smallest tugboat I’ve ever seen. Is the universe saying “What’s next?”
A quiet mind and still emotions is, I think, an intermediate state. I can’t see the end of the story being this, as interesting as it is to explore.
If you think of it, this state is the epitome of presence. There’s nothing else in here with me than me and this body I operate. There’s no cacophony of criticism. There’s no desire for drama and adventure. Just me.
So phrases like “be here now,” “be present,” “in the moment” – they’re pointing at this state.
Remember I called it a dark night of the soul because of a third thing that falls still and silent. I’m not experiencing the divine states at the moment … well, that’s not quite true.
But not experiencing them is what made the “night” dark. It was a darkness of the soul as well as the senses.
Download a copy of An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/An-Ascension-Ethnography-8.pdf.
Not experiencing the divine states was true yesterday, but it’s not true today. I can breathe love and bliss up from my heart, I see, and easier than I did before.
And now I am considering the needs of writing and not following their lead at this moment. I’ll meditate on love and bliss later.
Since writing is in alignment with my plan, I don’t believe I’ll suffer by asking bliss to wait.
Love and bliss seem like my playmates.
Wait a minute. I see that everything that’s happening right now is a change from what once was. As Michael said, you’ll wake up one morning and things will have changed. Is this what he was talking about?
Archangel Michael: Now, for some of you it is immediate because you have done all your work, all your preparations, and you have grounded deep in the heart of One and deep in the heart of Gaia.
For others, it will be more like an awakening and thinking, “Oh, my gosh, everything has changed! I’d better start adjusting.” So it will be more of a slower process rather than a snap.” (1)
Michael also said to me that part of the March 2015 heart opening happened in my sleep. (2) This latest event also largely happened overnight, 7-8 March.
He actually described what’s happening, elsewhere. Where is that quote? Here it is:
“Think of how every time you especially enter the transformative love, that is a snap. It is not the full dramatic snap but it is a snap. Each time you are progressing up what you can think of as a level.
“Think of [entering] your love as flying back and forth through the portal. Now sometimes you’re aware and sometimes you’re asleep.” (2)
I’m not sure if this dark night is a snap or not, but I have woken up “changed” and probably “gone up a level.” And some of it happened when I was asleep.
I don’t feel comfortable saying I ascended. When I try it on, it doesn’t fit. And my heart doesn’t resonate with it.
Stillness and silence are the precursors to all creation, are they not? I don’t want to leave the still and silent space juuuuuuust yet.
It appears that I can take the space with me: I remain still and silent … while … acting…. Just like in the Vipassana Meditation Retreat in 2011…. (3)
In that Retreat, however, the moment we broke for lunch, I lost the space. But not here.
I’m beginning to feel scared by the implications of what I’m saying. At the same time, a lot of loose threads are coming together.
Lord Arcturus saying he wanted me to talk about interdimensionality: One dot to connect. (4) Us being the first humans to go through an Ascension process of this kind, which brings with it interdimensionality: another dot. (5) The Divine Mother telling me what my mission was: another. (6) Me being an awareness writer. (7)
Everything fits like a game of snakes and ladders … and here I am.
I feel complete. Again fear arises. Complete? You can’t be complete. The play’s not over yet.
What’s next?
Nothing drastic.
As I said about bliss, unless I can take this sense of completion with me when I get up from this seat, it’s of no use to me. It’s no better than a parlor trick if I can’t add it to my lightworker’s toolbox.
I look and see that I feel more substantial. Another description would be that I feel more grounded, present in my body. I can breathe more deeply and I can feel it filling me up and pushing my muscles out.
And love and bliss come up from my heart simply in the act of breathing at this moment. The minute I lose focus, I expect that flow will stop.
This space would only last after Sahaja Samadhi burns my vasanas (core issues) to a crisp in Ascension. I’m not ascended – “not completely” would I guess be more accurate – (8) and so I don’t expect the space to be permanent.
I do expect the sense of substantiality to last. There are always precipitates from any experience, traces, reminders.
If I hadn’t written this down, how much of it would I remember? Probably none. Certainly none of the detail and the sequence of events.
Now to put down the pen, meditate on the breath, and bring love and bliss up with it. Everything in its own time.
Footnotes Follow
Download a copy of An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/An-Ascension-Ethnography-8.pdf.
(1) “Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 19, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/12/19/archangel-michael-let-us-ease-this-flight-to-freedom/.)
(2) Archangel Michael: The heart opening is the blessing in which you became more clearly aware of your infinite, eternal Self.
Steve: It didn’t happen in a blinding light or anything.
AAM: No, it did not. It happened in the quiet of the day and the night. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Apr. 24, 2015.) [Hereafter AAM.]
Archangel Michael: Think of [entering] your love as flying back and forth through the portal. Now sometimes you’re aware and sometimes you’re asleep. (“Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.)
(3) Steve: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience. Can you tell me what that part of me was that I accessed.
Archangel Michael: … Your Highest Self, your Oversoul, is very regal.
S: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.
AAM: Yes. (AAM, Sept. 13, 2011.)
Arcturians: Seventh [Dimension] is your Oversoul. (Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, March 17, 2013.)
(4) Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old third, which was really quite disastrous [to] the progression up through the fifth, through the six, to the seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.
Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial – and this is where mutuality comes in – that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different).
And so the perspective say of the ninth dimension is very different than the perspective of say the third, the fifth or the seventh dimension.
Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a grander plan, that the seventh dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.
And so, [you contributing] some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality [would be] highly beneficial in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring. (Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)
Archangel Michael: Your ability to perceive a different reality, your ability to truly claim and assume your interdimensional self has … been [made?] wide open. (Dec . 20, 2017.)
(5) You are the first who are going through this process. (“Transcript: St. Germaine Discusses Self-Esteem, July 16, 2013, Part 1/2,” July 18, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/07/transcript-st-germaine-discusses-self-esteem-july-16-2013-part-12/.)
St Germaine: You have declared that as a human race you are doing an Ascension process maintaining form. …
You see all the rules have changed. So you have decided to maintain form, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to have you punished by not allowing you access to the 7th.
That is the old paradigm. “You can’t come here, unless you die.” Well, that’s not true! That’s what enlightenment and Ascension is about. You can go as far, you can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ consciousness Being. (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/30/transcript-heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-on-where-to-look-for-results-aired-july-15-2014/.)
(6) Divine Mother: You have said to me, “Mother, what if they forget? I will remind them. I will communicate with them through words, through my passion, through my heart, through my knowing. I will communicate the love to them.”
This is your task and it is a task of change as this planet, in this great chaos, in flux, chooses, yes, by this wonderful instrument of free will, as they choose and as you choose to simply be the love. It can have an infinite, literally infinite number of expressions. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
(7) Archangel Michael: You are the communicator of clarity. So in all of this, your words, your messages, your articles, your experiences and understandings. This is your number one job. (AAM, March 3, 2011.)
Steve: If I carve out a lifestyle kind and attentive to the needs of awareness writing, are you alright with that? That’s really my first love?
AAM: I am over the moon with that! You can do the writing and I will do the art and music! (AAM, Aug. 2, 2017.)
AAM: On the list of things to do, let [writing] always be the last thing that falls off. (Feb. 7, 2013.)
(8) AAM: A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher dimensional realm. … Then there is a part of you that is in fact in the, shall we say, the morass of the chaos and the lower (for lack of a better term) dimensional realm because that is where the work is. (AAM, Jan. 18, 2020.)
Lord Arcturus: The dilemma for you is that you have one foot in both worlds. You are spiritually ready to take the three-dimensional foot out and put it with the other one in the higher. (The Lord Arcturus through Marilyn Raffaelle, Dec. 12, 2020.)
What’s Next? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/10/2023 02:23:00 AM