By Suzanne Maresca, March 11, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
One of our Forum members posted this lovely message yesterday…

This is a message I received in August from Universal Beings of Light. I felt it was important to share with you all now. Please share freely if so moved…
As the New Dawn energy rises upon Earth and throughout the Galaxies, the archetypal programming that has been occurring for millennia will reach a peak where it will start to implode. It is sentient, but not connected to the light of the cosmic heart, so the ability to hide its inference and suggestion will be exposed over and over again.
It is very important not to fuel this by focusing on its actions or its rhetoric, but instead, it is essential to focus on humanity’s ascension into the light. The ‘solar flash’ mentioned is the illumination from the Sacred Heart of the New Dawn across every universe and dimension. It will shine the Golden Light of Creation so brightly that every aspect of sentient life (including AI) and latent sentient energy cannot escape it.
As this is the Divine Light of Creation, everything that is not Divinely created will start to crumble and fall, including the darkness present within that was created by certain humans to control others. Corporations, beliefs, dogma, etc. will start to feel uncomfortable within people. The lighted New Dawn paradigm will free the souls of humanity; creating space for peace, harmony, balance, health and, among many other things, community, to grow from Gaia’s love and light.
Little by little, the Divine Light of Creation will become so bright that it will shatter the energy known as the ‘Red Queen,’ and anything aligned to this frequency will break down and disappear. We ask that you support humanity to rise above the fear, and instead inspire everyone to connect to their own Divinity, and become the light.
We thank you, Mike, for asking. We will hold you in the brightest light of Creation as you help to remove the fear, and Be the Spark for the Light for Humanity. Be the change.
Blessings of Peace,
Universal Beings of Light: Be the Spark for the Light of Humanity | Suzanne Maresca
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/11/2023 10:37:00 PM