Time to Choose | Steve Beckow

All aboard!

By Steve Beckow, March 3, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Download Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation here:


I think it’s safe to say that all of us reading this value law and order.

Within that, some of us value universal law and divine order; others, human law and peaceful order.

Others of us value advantage over law and possession over order. Those folks would likely put this article down.

As far as I can see, people who behave along these lines value gaining advantage, to win, to prosper. It’s their lines of behavior I’d like to look at for a moment.

They may gain possession of something in any way they can, avoiding being caught. The lengths they may go to to get and hold onto what they want are what chiefly define tyrants and dictators.

If we were on the astral planes, these folks would be living on the middle down to the dark planes.

But here, on the Third/Fourth Dimension, everyone mingles.

The exception is that, as the love energies rise, the folks who seek advantage and possession will find the going getting progressively harder until finally their bodies give out and they transition.

The Company of Heaven calls the mass leave-taking “the Time of Separation.” In 2017 Michael told us:

Archangel Michael: The time of separation is very close. …

[Your collective decision to ascend] does not mean that, yes, in the infinite and eternal existence of the Mother, she will wait forever. …

There will be those who choose to leave, to abandon their physical forms rather than ascend in physical form. …

And I do not mean being spun off into an alternate world or Earth or Gaia or planet. I mean simply, abandoning the body, dying, and leaving and coming home. There is no penalty or shame or guilt. It is simply a decision.

Part of the reason for finally closing the gate is that the lightworkers here to help with Ascension are getting weary.

Archangel Michael: It is not the desire of the Mother that this [Ascension process] simply continue [forever] because what she also sees (what we all see) and what you’ve repeatedly said to us, even though we operate often in terms of eons rather than years, many of you are tired.

At some point there will be a Ring of Fire, which appears to promise a planetary heart opening. I think many will leave then, even as the rest rise. Among those who may leave are folks whose service contracts are ended.

Following that, I believe there’ll be more gradual, gradual rising and then the snap or ignition which constitutes Ascension proper. With that the problems talked about here will be over.

It’s really only the period between now and then that need concern us. After the Ring of Fire, but especially after Ascension, we’ll be immersed in a love that will accomplish the following result:

“Every valley [of felt need in us] shall be filled, and every mountain and hill [of false pride] shall be brought low; and the crooked [unlawful and perverse] shall be made straight, and the rough ways [of ignorance] shall be made smooth. (3)

That’s what Ascension will do. More to the point, that’s what higher-dimensional love will do.


(1) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Luke 3:5.

Download Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Not-Everyone-will-Choose-to-Come-with-Us-R6.pdf.
Time to Choose | Steve Beckow Time to Choose | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/03/2023 08:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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