Submitted to Voyages of Light on March 11, 2023
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Greetings My Children,
I am Supreme Father, Father of Fathers, and I am coming today to disclose a new update related to Mother Earth.
Your 3D reality is dissolving more and more with each second. Each day you are seeing new conflicts raising between nations and governments in different part of your world. Your planet is shaking with earthquakes quite often these days, and unexpected weather is also appearing. Do you think these events are coincidental? They are going to destroy the illusion of Matrix and will open the door into high dimensional realms without Evil’s presence.
The value‘s distortions among humankind are related to the fall of 3D. Alliance needs to take the control of all underground’s tunnels as soon possible, extremely urgent task to fulfill. Now, Divine is overlooking the process of the planetary‘s system transformation on Mother Earth. Every occurrence is related to Divine Flow. The chaos and uncertainty are going to be replaced with a natural flow without any enforcement by anyone.
Humankind is very tired and wants immediate changes for the better. The ones who are awaken helped to raise Collective Consciousness, which is helping to smooth the transition. You can be sure that the changes will occur in near future, it’s inevitable like 2 plus 2 are four. The new plans are in works, Evil is not aware of them. You can’t win the battle, if enemy knows your strategic movements. Divine is going to lead everyone to a high dimensional reality.
My Children, please, don’t forget that each of you is playing a specific role in this transition. Freedom is coming, and everyone will be able learn to speak freely the truth without hesitations. The ruins of this old world will dissipate like snow in the spring. Let your soul guide you. Detach yourself from other people’s thoughts and energies through daily meditations. Always follow the Divine Flow. Please, never forget that you are never alone, all of us are connected to each other. Thank you Universal Channel. The end of Matrix is here right now.
Embrace my Love.
Supreme Father
Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez | March 11, 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/11/2023 10:51:00 PM