Monday, March 20, 2023
Out Yourself | Nicky Hamid
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Why do you have to say something was “channelled” through you as if it gives it greater authority? Why do you say that you are guided to do something as if “someone higher, better, more knowing” told you, rather than own it as your inner “higher” Self-Knowing?
What about the wisdom of your own Heartmind?
When you love unconditionally wisdom is there in your sight and on the tip of your tongue.
Please do not fear acknowledging the origin of your Knowing.
Are you harboring seed beliefs that your own connection to Infinite Intelligence is less than, because you have taken human form?
And I am hearing many say that their angels, guides, Masters, and the Company of Heaven have kind of “stepped back”. They do not hear them. And why?
Because sweet Sisters and Brothers they are part of YOU. They are within you, not without. They are “aspects” of YOU. Or you could say there are aspects of them in you through your knowing of each other.
You are moving to WE and You, as Soul Being, are the Source from the very guidance that you felt outside yourself.
Your “higher” calling is to take your own Mastery, your own Knowing of Soul Self and create your Life, your reality from within, to become your HUman expression “without”.
And Mastery” means that you have to step to your own “beat”. To Feel and Look within.
Do you hear something like this….. AM I REALLY THAT POWERFUL???.
Do you now realize that it always felt comfortable and safe to ‘hide’ behind Angels and Ascended Masters?
You have been scared of your own ‘Ego’.
But you do not have to make yourself smaller than your ARE.
It may feel a bit scary, but you must come out of your comfort-zone and acknowledge the true You which is WE. Dropping all masks of identity and unveiling yourself to all the world.
Yes it can be scary because WE are backing ourselves completely and that means total responsibility.
Can you be totally honest with yourself?
Will you commit and back yourself and be accountable 100%, for 100% of the “time”?
You wanted to know how to Love Yourself.
Remember you are Divine, One in and with the Source of All That Is.
I so believe in YOU.
WE So Love You
PS: Remember the children’s game of “hide and seek, when the finder gave up looking?
So I call.