Submitted to Voyages of Light on March 18, 2023
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
I am Mira, the Pleiadian High Council, and I am happy to connect to everyone.
Humankind has been in Spiritual War between Light and Darkness for a very long time, and now is coming to the end of it. Your planet is in transition of letting go a low vibrational shell. The Dark Entities are still trying to patch up their deteriorating reality, which is not working for them at all. Divine is crushing Matrix each day more and more.
You are right now between realities, in some point you are going to leave 3D world and step into New Earth. This jump from one reality to another only will happen, if you are fully awake and staying in high vibrational frequencies. The rest, who are not awake, will continue to be mesmerized and follow Matrix, which is collapsing without no point of return. You can’t help them, as they are not ready to be in higher realms. It’s decision of their souls.
You are living in very chaotic times. It’s supposed to occur in order to create a new reality. Darkness still continues to think, that it’s capable to save their deteriorating world. It’s not possible. Many Contaminated Souls are leaving this planet. You can see their despair and Evil in them, as they can’t hide anymore. Darkness keeps loosing allies everywhere. They are trying to fix their fake financial system, which isn’t fixable anymore. Everything you see around, it’s mirage.
Please, don’t get distracted by negative emotions or events, stay in high energies. It’s extremely important, unless you want to be swallowed by dissipating reality. Continue your diet free of meat and meditations to help you in transition from physical body into light one. The end of Darkness is right here, trust Divine Process. Where mankind can fail, Divine never does and always brings Divine Balance between Darkness and Light. My team is ready to embrace and help humankind on New Earth. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, receive my Love.
You never alone despite appearance.
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Erena Velazquez | March 18, 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/18/2023 09:10:00 PM