Making Your Way through Snow | Heavenletters
MAR 5 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
There is an expression that says you get what you deserve. The fact is that sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t. It is more truthful to say: “What you get is what you get.” What does deserving have to do with it?
Oh, of course, sometimes you bring something on yourself. You were driving your car, and you looked at cows by the wayside, and the next thing you knew, you had an accident. You looked away and, therefore, you may undoubtedly be responsible for the accident. Yet I will not accept the judgment that seems to go with, “You deserved it.”
If you are a student and you don’t study for a test and you flunk it, the world can say you deserved it. How does the world know? Someone else doesn’t study for a test and gets an A. Who can say who deserves what?
No one deserves suffering, beloveds. No one. Everyone deserves all the blessings of the Universe, even those you would say absolutely do not deserve all the blessings of the Universe. Not to make excuses, beloveds, but if the people you think do not deserve blessings had been blessed with more blessings, it’s possible they would not have committed whatever they did that you hold against them. Even if they committed heinous crimes, how do you know they deserve terrible things befalling them?
And yet there are others who had fewer blessings, and they become angels on Earth. And, of course, at the same time, people who consistently deserve high blessings do not receive them.
No one on Earth apparently receives all the blessings that they deserve, that I say they deserve.
Everyone has what is called good luck, and everyone has what is called bad luck. Everyone has blessings and disappointments. Everyone does good deeds at one time or another, and everyone has slipped and missed occasions for good, or has left hurt in his wake.
So let Us start from the premise that everyone on Earth deserves and requires more blessings.
Perhaps you say under your breath: “Well, God, why don’t You provide them? Why don’t You provide more blessings and withhold the disappointments?”
You have free will, and I leave you free. If I give you free will, I give you free will. I do not give partial free will. You have all the freedom in the world. I will be your consultant, and yet the next step is up to you.
I will tell you something else. Everyone on Earth has more blessings than he ever calculated. If all My children could only know all the blessings that are theirs!
The question is not one of deserving or not deserving. The question is: What do you do now? In all situations, what is the most generous thing you can do? No matter how unwarranted a situation, no matter how unfair, the question for you to ask is: “What good can I make of this? What good can come out of it?”
It is obvious that you do not retaliate for a wrong, for then you keep yourself at a lower energy level. We are talking about energy, beloveds. We are talking about a wave length of energy. To retaliate or to prove someone wrong, or to make excuses for yourself or for another, is not where you belong. What do I say? I say to jump a notch. I say to go higher. No matter how right you may be, no matter how wrong the seeming other may be, your instructions are the same. Go higher. Go from a different angle. Get out of the mire.
It may not be right that it has snowed. It wasn’t supposed to. It shouldn’t have, but it did. And now it is for you to shovel the snow or plow it. Somehow you make your way through the snow.
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Making your Way through Snow | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2023 07:47:00 PM