Monday, March 20, 2023

Homeward I'm Bound | Poem by Celia Elliott

Submitted to Voyages of Light on March 20, 2023


Homeward I’m bound on The Wings of an Angel
Silently, swiftly I’m carried along,
Back to the place far beyond the horizon
Back to the place where I truly belong.

No time for glances back over my shoulder
No place for sorrow or any regrets.
On to the goal with no further distractions
And head for the place where … the Sun Never Sets.

How bright is the star that is guiding me homeward … (Chorus)
Warm is the Love Lord that carries me through.
Straight is the pathway of loving compassion
And wondrous The grace Lord that brings me to you

Yesterday’s cares I can hardly remember
Passing like clouds ‘cross the face of the sun
Warmed by the glow of a golden tomorrow
I see that my life Lord has only begun. (Chorus) repeat.

Celia and John Elliott … Composed and not knowing that John and my Daughter Lynda would pass on to higher realms within weeks of writing it!