(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
The room looked confident and ready.
The question on the floor was; Does anyone have questions about the banking collapse? Is everyone ready? Are there any comments?
A majority of the people on the zoom call were women. There was one male representing this evening.
Same bat time on the same bat channel, we have been meeting for two years. Any given week the attendees will vary.
This night there were fewer than normal. But the ones that showed up, could be described as very aware, very awake and prepared.
If the Banking and market collapse was the elephant in the room, we also know there are elephant whisperers waiting in the wings.
This group was not wearing rose colored glasses. Nor are we looking to be saved. Nobody had any questions or comments.
We looked at each other and nodded. It was a very inspiring moment.
We know the unfolding scenario will be uncertain at best.
When you mess with people’s money you mess with their security, their future and sometimes even lives.
Fall out from crashes is damaging and chaotic to businesses across the board.
No it will not be easy but, we know it needs to happen. It will affect everyone.
Very few people alive on the planet have seen an actual collapse. I am fortunate to know one.
MY client turned friend will be 101 this year. She has told me many stories about getting through the Great Depression.
She was on a farm as a child and her job was to collect and wash eggs that they would trade for flour and salt.
They made sauerkraut in large quantities. She was from an era of large families and it took everyone to do their part.
Her mom sounds like a superhero when you realize everything she had to do in a day to keep it together.
Very few of us are in that situation. This time it will be different.
Many people now live in apartments or mostly in private homes with normal gardens and probably no chickens.
Some apartments have garden boxes. This is helpful as even a small garden will be important.
Of course, large gardens will be better and that is not just my bias. This time it’s real.
Yup, are we looking to finally pull the band-aid off?
Let’s rip off that sucker and expose the wound to air.
Let’s get this done so we can get on with healing.
The most important piece of advice I have heard offered up is something that really resonated with me.
I know this is what everyone in our zoom meeting was practicing.
And probably most of the readers will know this practice, depending on your worldview.
It is this: We are not in control of the collapse. But we can control our reactions.
This reaction may depend on multiple factors according to your current situation.
Some will be affected far greater than others.
If you didn’t see it coming and haven’t made some preparations, it will be quite a shock.
Now will be the time for all communities to pitch in together.
If you have prepared you will need to step up.
Like a large family we will all need to pitch in and everyone does a part.
Some moms may become superheroes. What fun is that !?
If there is something you need, you will need to ask, and reach out to others.
Isolation should not be a thing.
It all starts with connection and communication.
In this way we can be supportive and get support in return.
It’s not a secret formula available to only a few.
We do not need to be filled with fear and fall into despair.
Believe in yourself. Help others.
My personal theory is that this will play out as a variety pack.
It may play out quickly or it could be a drawn out version.
Our reaction is part of the process.
How will you react when it comes to your door?
When it hits your bank account?
We got this. We are doing this together.
Godspeed and God Bless
Nova Gaia Awaits.
Be in love
Elephant Whisperers | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/15/2023 01:04:00 AM