(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Apparently being able to predict the future is tricky business.
Unless your name is Q and have a looking glass. Is that what Dumbledore used?
Perhaps the use of a computer with analytical probabilities that a fellow Washington Stater holds in High regard will help.
The key word here is probability.
Even clairvoyants and psychics have a difficult time getting it right.
The more we learn about what we don’t know, we discover our world is dynamic.
Absolutes simply do not exist. Not in a fixed state. There are visions of truth that may be construed as absolutes but the actual unfoldment may have varied elements. Each of these elements affect the outcome of what is to follow next. Or they may be seen as markers for the timeline that is in play.
An example of this from my favorite character from Men in Black 3. The 5D visitor, Griffin, watches carefully when K forgot to tip the waitress at the diner. He sat in great trepidation because of the timeline possibilities that were to come from that simple act or lack thereof. And then with great relief when K returned to leave the tip, saying ‘that was a close one’ because that small action was a marker of a positive outcome.
Since the majority of us are not blessed with future revealing technology we rely on our own gifts and skills.
We use these daily to anticipate what may or may not be coming down the pike.
In this way we can do what very few creatures on planet are capable of, plan for the future.
If we are lucky we can be like Griffin and see the possible outcomes.
Tarot cards are a really great tool for this. But the reader must become extremely skilled and have a powerful connection to their intuition for any level of accuracy. With basic skills tarot can be used as a guideline but never an absolute.
Whatever tool you may use, runes, bones, mushrooms, astrology or dream time, the closest we can get is by seeing possibilities, calculating probabilities and tuning into our personal awareness.
The reason this topic is on my mind is because of recent events in which I have an investment. I put my trust into possibilities that may or may not work out.
The probabilities of success for my investment seem to fluctuate by the hand of forces outside of my control.
The only sane action now is to not give that investment all of my energy. It could still possibly work out but that is not an absolute.
I am a practical gal. My instincts and intuition have always guided me very well.
I have developed a relationship with that level of knowing, allowing it and learning to trust in myself.
I could increase the positive outcomes by giving it more energy. But since the funding of this project is dependent on others, that action could just be giving my power away.
I do not like being at the mercy of others. If I want to do something it has the higher probability to succeed the more of a connection I maintain.
A couple things need to be said at this point. There are things that are not in my control. That is a given and will not be the focus of this writing.
Also the action of full surrender and having faith that all will be as it should be is a sound spiritual practicum but lacks the element of action.
If not in control, go with the flow. That sounds a lot like a survival tactic, albeit in the right circumstances, a wise one.
My thoughts today are more about what I can control. And planning for the future in which I want to create.
How is this to happen without giving away my power and still keep the vision alive?
There is little doubt in my mind it takes community. There will always be that need to involve others.
This will need to be people who are in alignment with my vision.
I cannot expect that we will see things perfectly in the same way but, we can still be walking the same path.
The practical way to achieve this is to get on that path.
What do I need to do that puts me in touch with my vision?
What do I need to do that puts me in touch with the people with the same vision?
And, this is important, What do I need to do to walk along that path?
I like this practical action as it is fully within my control.
Maybe the paths come together as we are walking.
My vision for the future and the project that I want to develop involves building and teaching a sustainable community in which we live, learn and grow together.
My vision is about cooperation, independence and adhering to universal laws not by top down, regulated permissions and financial control.
I had a vision that we could be moving away from that paradigm and grow our grassroots with love and freedom.
Financial abundance would be lovely, yes. But not if it comes with threats of withdrawal when certain elements are not met.
This is top down control that is fear driven.
I do not yet have the funds for my ‘think big plan’, and it is a Jupiter sized idea.
But I have decided not to let jumping through hoops get me down.
I am going to start today by planting seeds. Literally. I have 2000 tomato seeds sprouting in my greenhouse.
Now it’s time to start even more plant varieties. It’s time to expand in thought and in action.
I know how to do what I want to do. I just need to start doing it.
In this way maybe I can draw to me the funds and the community that are supportive and in alignment.
There are many of us out there with the same vision. Everyone is vital and every vision is do-able.
Start living your vision today.
I got this! You got this!
By beginning now, we can and will build the future.
Much love
Digger 2023