Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Acceleration is Happening | Alcazar

Acceleration Is Happening

Alcazar has been saying that this [year] 2023 is going to be a time of challenges and opportunities. And as Viviane [Chauvet] said, there's an acceleration happening. And with an acceleration, what you project, what you envision, what your energies create, manifests faster. And so we have to be very aware of where we put our energy in these times to come. Because if you're focused on loving yourself, knowing yourself, expanding into the greater self, that will be accelerated. But for those people that are in fear and lack, in judgment, that's going to be accelerated for them also. And they're going to find their lives becoming more and more difficult. And that might seem very unfair, but it's an opportunity for them, it's like a kick in the butt to wake up and to change to their personal trajectory.


Maui Livestream #2, 2023

Day 7, Session 3