By Steve Beckow, February 2, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
It’s probably been some time since western societies knew the phenomenon of adult children living at home.
But more and more kids are these days. How did things change?
I watched it happen.
“We” automated the work force, as was predicted in 1950s television. (1) Only whereas TV predicted automation would be a labor-saving device, it didn’t tell us that the labor “saved” was us.
I remember the Recession of 1982 as the first one known to me to be a jobless recovery. People were laid off on promises of being rehired when times improved. But when times did improve, the laid-off workers were not rehired.
And that was only one skirmish in the war to automate work. Anyone whose work could be done by a machine was at risk. (2)
Add to that the exporting of jobs overseas. To make cheap products to be sold back to the affected and underemployed western countries.
Never mind that we’re awakening to the fact that all of this was part of a much larger plan that has probably been running for centuries.
What we did was to flatten the corporation and end full-time, permanent employment, pensions, and medical/dental plans. At the same time that work overall shrank, the frontiers of what a machine could do exploded.
I’m not a Luddite. I love the ease and reach machines provide us with.
What I’m saying is that we have no well-functioning redistribution mechanism right now except one that redistributes wealth from the many to the few. The increasing imbalance is the problem, in my eyes.
But, to narrow our focus, what concerns me here is that we’ve left the coming generation with practically no prospects, at least none that we enjoyed. There are no entry-level jobs. There are no ranks to rise through. There is no reward at the end of it all – a pension. And then we blame them, as the following discussion does:
“The United States lacks domestic raw materials production as well as a reliable, educated domestic labor pool. Young American men and women who might have traditionally worked in weapons factories are no longer interested in working at all. The work ethic of America has been utterly destroyed, and most American youth expect to collect Universal Basic Income money / stimulus money and function solely as consumers in society, not producers.” (3)
The work ethic has been destroyed, not by today’s youth, but by yesterday’s automators.
Meanwhile, there is among those youth a lack of knowledge of office procedures and etiquette, what works when working as a team, how to plan, how to budget, how to schedule, and how to keep your word.
This situation exists because our generation allowed the deconstruction of the job market without insisting on the wealth resulting from automation being distributed equitably.
For that and so many reasons, I don’t mourn the passing of the current economy. The only adjective I’m going to use to denote it is “the greed economy.” Who cares what book the people behind it read or didn’t read. They appear to be motivated simply by greed and all its variants.
Vast numbers of us must also be tired of it because most of the world’s nations have signed up to G/NESARA – the Global/National Economic Security and Reformation Act. (2) They wouldn’t have done that if they didn’t see it as the best arrangement to help us break free from the future that was planned for us.
I’ll let you read about G/NESARA in the recommended books, but I do want to say that I believe that it rights the balance which our empirical-materialist and social-Darwinist values upset. (4)
There’s no reason for anyone in the world to go hungry or lack shelter. There’s no reason why only the strongest should survive.
With G/NESARA and the Global Currency Reset, folks on Nova Gaia will have the opportunity to set the social balance right again – on the basis of fairness, compassion, and equality.
In the meantime, if you’d allow me to say it, perhaps feel into your children’s situation. They don’t have what we had; they never did. Consequently they don’t know what they’re missing, only that their prospects at the moment are miserable.
Most of them seem to me just trying to make ends meet in a job market that’s stacked against them. I don’t think they’re any more happy with the situation than we may be.
And, when G/NESARA gets here, that situation will be reversed. And what with med beds, free energy, anti-grav vehicles, etc., and the Ring of Fire and Ascension…. (5)
I know full well that just a few minutes in higher-dimensional states and all of this will be forgotten. Between now and then is the time we need to pull together.
(1) For an earlier article on the subject, see “Supplying the Missing Pieces,” May 27, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/27/supplying-the-missing-pieces/
(2) See Steve Beckow, “If This is Your Job, Watch Out! (1998),” April 29, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/04/29/if-this-is-your-job-watch-out-1998-2/
(3) On G/NESARA see:What is NESARA? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/15332-2/
NESARA and the Revaluation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/nesara-and-the-revaluation/
The Background to the Global Currency Reset or Reval at https://goldenageofgaia.com/the-global-currency-reset/the-reval-itself/the-background-to-the-global-currency-reset-or-reval/
Financial Wayshowing and Abundance R12 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Financial-Wayshowing-and-Stewardship-R12.pdf
(4) Empirical materialism is the philosophical perspective that acknowledges only what we can see, hear, touch, etc., as being real.
Social Darwinism believes that life is a struggle for existence in which only the strongest survive. Neither point of view, in my opinion, will survive the passing of the Third Dimension.
(5) On the Ring of Fire, see The Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-R7.pdf.
Why are our Kids Living with us? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/02/2023 08:44:00 PM