By Suzanne Maresca, February 10, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I had a little mini-vision this morning while preparing tea. Gazing over at the utensil carousel, I started considering which of the items in it that I would take with me, and which I would leave. That brief contemplation led me to put feelers out to all the other things in my home and in my actual life that I would care to bring along…or leave behind.
Why am I having such thoughts when there’s no tangible avenue for us to implement our desires to get out of Dodge? I’ll tell you why…it’s because of a personal campaign I’ve embarked upon to keep my focus on the good, true and beautiful; to start getting into the feeling of what it would be like to leave behind every single thing that does not serve me. That’s where the power is…in our emotions.
The list of things I don’t care to bring along is quite lengthy, truth be told. It includes items like the old plastic carousel, most of the furnishings in my home, and all manner of old memories. By this time, any relationships that we maintain most likely have some kind of karmic attachment, and until (and if) that connection no longer serves, we’ll be keeping those.
What happens when we reach a point of untriggerability, and our relationships are no longer about learning something about either ourselves or about our own relationship with the world?

Anyway, the point is actually to start generating at every opportunity what feelings would arise when a certain part of our dreaming comes to fruition. I was kind of jazzed that my thoughts upon gazing at the utensil carousel went to what I want to leave behind when we pack up to go. That was a juicy reminder that my default thought patterns are going towards the positive, towards what I want.
And pack up to go where, exactly? We haven’t got much of a clue at the moment. Which level of dreaming are we talking about here? If we’re contemplating being flush with cash, but still tethered to the limitations of our current reality, that’s one lovely dream that includes hiring people to see to the long-delayed and much needed repairs and maintenance to our home and property.
While that’s happening, we’ll drive around the country in a comfortable RV with our cats, looking for a place that feels like home, having adventures and meeting new people. My daughter and I do discuss such things, and it’s always a frequency bump to have those delightful conversations, sharing the dreams that fire our visions.
However…and this is by far much, much more interesting and exciting…we can really only imagine what our experience will be through and after the advent of the Solar Flash; a moment that apparently will shift everything. I’m assuming that the One/Source/God/Universe is the decider of just when that moment will arrive. May it be soon.

Each one of us will have our own unique adventures on the other side of that blessed event, depending on what we’ve managed to accomplish while dwelling in this lower and most difficult of realms. Many of us are not at all new to this ascension program, and we’re currently in process of recalling all that we are and all that we ever were; bringing it all right here into these physical vessels. We may or may not be super comfy during the process, but we surely do welcome pretty much whatever comes along with it. Whatever my next gig is after this project is done, though…I do not ever again agree to forget who I am.
Are we not all just itching to get on with it now? To see what’s on the other side…to discover just how many soul-bearing humans there actually are…to live in peace within loving communities on Earth, and well beyond the limitations of this reality.
While surfing the internet looking for news of what’s happening in the geo-political world these days, I find myself just skimming over the surface of most stories, much like a water strider skitters over the surface of a pond. Headlines, even on the alternate news sites, are just so ludicrous lately that I satisfy myself with just knowing that it’s a scripted part of the movie, and I walk on by. There’s no point in getting myself all in a twist over any such thing.

What I’m getting is that the more we embrace the truth that our emotions are actually quite powerful engines of manifestation, the greater the responsibility we’ll take for them, and the more creative use we can make of them. Self-healing might just be a superpower we have when we participate with our team to Make it So.
Who wants to contemplate the takedown of the cabal 24/7? It’s happening as I write, anyway. Our gratitude for all those who’ve been working at that task for however long is both bountiful and never-ending. Congratulations seem shortly to be in order.
And if you’re reading this, you can also take a bow. Even if we aren’t military or White Hats, aren’t making videos and have no special involvement of a public nature in this unfolding…simply the fact of our presence here and now is truly a boon to the Ascension of Gaia and All the Life upon her. Breathing deeply and intentionally adds power to our prayers, and make no mistake, Prayer Warriors are every bit as important to this unfolding as any Super Soldier is.
We all actually rock, just for being here…
What to Pack? What to Leave Behind? Serving the Dream... | Suzanne Maresca
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/10/2023 10:12:00 PM