(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
The End of Depression (or continuing “down” feeling).
A lot of people I am noticing have fallen into or “fighting’ short bouts of depression or lack of “motivation” at various depths.
At the slightest “pull downwards I move to my Heart. There is no other resolution that will work. When everything is drawing you to cling on tight in desperation you LET GO.
I remember years ago getting really down. But one day in front of the mirror I looked at my face, then suddenly I decided to exaggerate what I felt through my face. So I expressed as clearly and as strong as I could, misery, feeling desperately sorry for myself, and pitiful, confused and helpless. As I watched I looked funnier and funnier. But I did not want to laugh because what I was feeling was painful and a “very serious matter”. But alI I wanted to do was laugh, the more depressed I appeared.
In the end I ‘cracked up” into laughter. The more I tried to retrieve the hurt the funnier it became. I laughed at all the things that a moment ago I thought were terrible. It did not take them away it just simply put them in their place. Or more truly I was back in my Presence. Soul Being watching the “movie”.
None of it had anything to do with whether I was happy or not. The spell was broken. I knew that I had been playing a big game of will with myself. Willing myself to be unworthy and helpless through being and experiencing worthless.
Depression is the complete imprisonment of the child. Child is FREEDOM. Depression and hopelessness is the expressed willingness to succumb to imprisonment of Joy.
You break depression or “downward emotion” when you take your will to Live life as You choose, to lift it up, to breathe it up into your heart.
Happiness IS A CHOICE.
You willingly draw on your inner resources and deliberately choose to step back into who you are rather than all the outer appearances. Even if you have to, in the beginning, do it 100 times a day.
And many are feeling this pull out and down into unworthiness.
Just simply choose through, your own will, to own your joyfulness, or at least the quiet of unknowing.
If you want freedom then you must Willfully, consciously make choices. You have the power. No one is holding you back, you have absolutely no excuse that will convince you if you are being honest with yourself.
So if you are depressed or “down” or “unmotivated it “serves you right”.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself down smile, laugh and get on with the next thing with a WILL and a “Thankyou”.
Shine On
I So Love You
The thing about depression and thoughts and feelings of powerlessness is that it is all about the maintaining of beliefs that disempower.
You would rather be “right” because you have found all the reasons that “prove” your misery, rather than be “wrong” and happy. The emotions associated with it are simply the energy used to lock and load the downward spiral.
Hand on heart, watch the feelings and emotions simply as bodily sensations. Refuse to go into any story and every time one pops up go to your bodily sensation.
It will and has to shift, change and dissolve. The then maybe tears, or even Smile and chuckle.
Let Go is your immediate key to the upward, inward spiral.
The Game you are playing with yourself is UP when you say so.
The End of Depression | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/02/2023 08:40:00 PM