The Divine Mother incarnated as Mary, Mother of Jesus
By Steve Beckow, February 1, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
In 2018, Archangel Michael was advising me and two others to shrink the time between now and the Reval. I’d never put serious thought into the matter. Just at that moment, the Divine Mother appeared….
Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 2, 2018.)
Divine Mother: I am the Mother.
Steve: Hello, Mother.
DM: And, yes, Michael has stepped aside. I wish this blessing [the Reval] to proceed, not from a place of avarice or even neediness or the usurpation of power and yet there are many upon the planet who have literally engaged in the chaos of this gift.
But it is time for this, not to bless chaos, but to truly begin the transformation that comes from love. So often, my children in desperation, turn to me and cry, “Help.” In the human realm so many times when a child or young adult is in trouble, they turn to their parents and say, “Can you help me with the rent? Can you help me with college? Can you help me with daycare?” And on the other end of the spectrum, children take care of their parents.
This is the Mother. I am taking care of you, my children. So that how the new – how my new beginning works – can literally be demonstrated.
Now will there be those, those silly children who take the money and run? Yes. And will there be those that try to usurp power? Yes.
But there are enough of you. So I am asking my physical vessels on planet – with me because I need, I want, I desire, it is My Plan – that we do this together.
So we will shrink what has been artificially elongated in time through all this manipulation and true greed, abuse of power. That is not the purpose of my gift. So I am embracing you. I am empowering you and I am requesting you to do this.
Steve: Yes, Mother.
Divine Mother: And you will say,
“In the name of the Father/Mother One, I seek permission, assistance and guidance in bringing into the perfect timeframe the delivery of the Mother’s Abundance; Her gift to us, as her way showers and the founders and co-creators of Nova Earth.” …
Anchor the knowing of this divine authority to act on my behalf, deep within your heart, your mind, your cells. You are authorized, dear heart. This is not about selfishness. This is about fulfilment. …
Go with my love, sweet one.
The Divine Mother: Shrink the Time of this Manipulation | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/02/2023 12:08:00 AM