Love, Awareness, and Emergence | Steve Beckow

No resistance to loving service

By Steve Beckow, February 23, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I’ve done a major revision and expansion of Vasanas: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues. It’s about doubled in size. Practicing the upset clearing process is one way to rid yourself of your burden of resentment and similar negative feelings. (Invoking the universal laws is another.) Download it here:

This book, and all books, can be used, if you think about it, as a searchable database; this one, on the subject of vasanas.

I notice I have a reaction to both the word “non-separative” and “separative.”

Keep in mind the backdrop of the fate of nations being decided by other nations. Who wants to lose their nationhood?

Even more so, who would want to lose their personhood to non-separation or their place in heaven to separation?

The whole discussion irritates … Oops. Sorry … I irritate myself over the whole discussion – on the one hand, seeming to raise the possibility that I as an individual would cease to exist and on the other hand seeming to relegate me to the back of the class if I defend separation at all.

Oh, I don’t know what to think about the matter. So I don’t talk or think in those terms.

What touches me more is that I really loved my natural Mother and those two things “love” and “Mother” are ingrained in me. So now I serve the Divine Mother and apparently I volunteered to remind people about love when they forgot! (1) Whodda thought?

This is the troll under the bridge speaking! Just goes to show! If I can come out from under the bridge, once the Mother pulls on my cord, anyone can.

So “no” to separation terminology; yes to love of the Mother.

Sri Ramakrishna, who reached enlightenment (2) by several Hindu paths and several more non-Hindu paths, recommended bhakti or love as the easiest and most enjoyable.

It, and awareness and emergence, are paths that I consider suitable for lightworkers.

Renunciation? No. We need to remain in the world – but not of it.

Seeking to remain in the higher dimensions? No. Keeping in mind that we’re all angels, here’s what AAM told one angel/lightworker about higher-dimensional enlightenments:

Archangel Michael: When you use the term “dramatic enlightenment experiences” [as I did earlier], you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One.

It is not to say that you will not experience that, but you cannot (well, you can if you wish; it is a choice to) simply remain in that state of unity, of One, [and] be fully conscious, in service, in action….

So, it is a toning down, if anything. It really is the middle ground. …

You know that enlightenment is right there in front of you. It is yours to access. But if you are in service, you will not choose to live there. …

You can think of it as keeping two feet firmly on the ground. (3)

So we’re allowed maybe a taste, maybe a snack. But we get the full meal at the end of the banquet.

Lightwork foregoes seeking the personal only; a certain amount, yes, but not so much as to divert one’s attention from one’s mission at this important juncture in universal history.

You can disagree. I’m just offering my opinion.

Those three seem to me agreeable to lightwork: love, awareness, and emergence.

Wow, I read those words and get a wave of warmth from inside. An inner “Yes.”

I agree.

Love, awareness, and emergence….

Where have you been? Why have you come so late? (4)

Footnotes Follow

Download Vasanas: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues here:


(1) Divine Mother: You have said to me, “Mother, what if they forget? I will remind them. I will communicate with them through words, through my passion, through my heart, through my knowing. I will communicate the love to them.”

This is your task and it is a task of change as this planet, in this great chaos, in flux, … by this wonderful instrument of free will, as they choose and as you choose to simply be the love. It can have an infinite, literally infinite number of expressions. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)

(2) Sometimes Brahmajnana or seventh chakra enlightenment and sometimes vijnana or Ascension. See Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942. [Hereafter PR in GSR.]

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012.

(4) Sri Ramakrishna to Narendra Gupta, later Swami Vivekananda, when they first met:

“Ah! You have come very late. Why have you been so unkind as to make me wait all these days? My ears are tired of hearing the futile words of worldly men. Oh, how I have longed to pour my spirit into the heart of someone fitted to receive my message!” (PR to Narendra, later Swami Vivekananda, in GSR, 57.)
Love, Awareness, and Emergence | Steve Beckow Love, Awareness, and Emergence | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/23/2023 09:08:00 PM Rating: 5

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