Saturday, February 11, 2023

It’s Time to Emerge from Self-Doubt | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, February 11, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Our loving thoughts are with the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Further to our conversation in “Past-Life Connection,” (1) I took another step today in what I call “emergence.” (2)

Emergence for me means to step forth or stand forth from our limitations, our vasanas as a class of phenomena, our feelings as a class, etc.

It often comes in a declaration: “There will be no nuclear war for Earth.” Something we’d die for. Something that doesn’t depend on how we feel that day.

If negative, we call it a “core issue” or”deep, dark secret.”

If positive, we call it a virtue, a quality, or character.

I recommend emergence as a spiritual path to lightworkers because what results from it is a better servant, so to speak, rather than one who advances quickly and removes themselves, wrapped in bliss. That’s a different mission. We get to eat later.

I took another “step out” after releasing There Will be No Nuclear War for the World. (3) I felt that I and my team (of guides and Michael) had done such a good job of making the case for no nuclear war – offering the proof for the fact-checkers – that I felt an upwelling of confidence.

I thanked my team. And I allowed the feeling of confidence to transmute any remaining scraps of self-doubt.

How many books do I have to write to get my self-confidence back – the self-confidence of a seven-year-old?

Clearly, none. Getting my self-confidence back turns out to be an inside job, dependent on my say-so, my word.

I declare I am finished with self-doubt. I have proven to myself that the charges made against a seven-year-old of being lazy and no good have been decisively refuted.

This is not a matter I should have to refer to the Supreme Court. I should be able to decide the matter before the first trial judge. If I want to dispose of it. If I don’t, I never wanted to. (4)

As my wife used to say, there’s no hiding from the guy in the mirror.

I no longer value the biscuits (probably sympathy) I got from being wracked with self-doubt. In a very short while, my services will be needed. It’s time to emerge from as much of it all as I can.


(1) Feb. 10, 2023, at

(2) Download Emergence as a Path for Lightworkers at

(3) There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at

(4) See “A Radical Change of Vote,” December 23, 2019, at and “Changing My Vote on Change,” January 25, 2023, at