(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, February 5, 2023, disclosurenews.it
When we take a plane to a destination, as we are about to land, we are instructed to fasten our seat belts and place our seats in the upright position.
Sometimes if passengers are walking about, they will be instructed: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please return to your seats because we are about to land.”
Once we land, the pilot announces that we may now exit the plane and he or she thanks us for flying with that particular company.
The flight attendants stand at the cabin door and smile as we exit the aircraft. Family, friends. or business associates are awaiting us at a particular gate.
Imagine that Earth/Gaia is our aircraft, and the pilot and flight attendants are the planets in the galaxy assisting with our flight, and the energetics of our Sun with its flares, winds, CMEs, etc. are the actual controls which carry our planetary aircraft along its journey in the cosmos.
Our ultimate destination is the Great Attractor (the mass holding over 1,000 trillion Suns that we’re moving towards at over 2.2 million kilometers per hour ~ a massive field of radiation that bends light) where we will receive necessary bio-photons to further our cellular network for the acquiring of high-powered knowledge.
This destination is larger than the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.
On the way to our destination, our Sun makes stop overs to various constellations, as does our Moon.
With solar dynamics, our stop-over is for a full month; whereas with lunar dynamics, it is only for a couple of days.
In either case, our journey is a lengthy one with lots of adventures along the way.
Our arrival at Bio-Photonic Headquarters began long ago, and we will arrive when Source feels that we are ready to advance into greater crystalline frequency.
There are no shortcuts to the transformational journey.
There are still lessons to learn such as ~
- Warfare is evil;
- Supplying weapons to warring nations adds to the evil;
- Spying upon certain countries with balloons carrying technological equipment to decipher what their warring capabilities may be is evil;
- Creating diseases and chemicals as bio-weaponry is evil;
- Causing purposeful economic challenges is evil;
- Oppressing and enslaving others is evil.
Fresh, clear, healthy water, for example, should not be placed in a filthy glass.
If it is, germs and illness can be the result.
The glass must be cleansed first.
The element of water is the most prolific of all elements in the human physical vessel, and in our example, the vessels are being cleansed prior to fresh water (in this case we really are focusing on bio-photons) being allowed to enter.
Some persons, obviously, are better prepared to receive a greater number of bio-photons than others, but they too, are still in the process of cleansing beforehand.
Our Moon reached fullness early in the morning on Sunday, 2/5/2023, in royal, creative, and often self-oriented Tropical Leo. It was in opposition to humanitarian, technologically-interested, emotionally detached, revolutionary, and sometimes rebellious Aquarius; a “me” and “they” kind of energy characteristic, which requires cooperation, sharing of insights, and solving issues without selfishness, such as in thinking “What’s in it for me?”
The tumultuous conditions happening on Earth/Gaia are creating turbulence during the flight. What should be a smooth trip is filled with jet lag.
For many, physical vessels are very exhausted. Emotions are raw, irritable, and angry. Mindsets are erratic.
Each constellation that our Sun soars through has its own characteristics, its own messages ~ about the continuing journey.
Thus, every Equinox, Solstice, Eclipse, planetary retrograde, comet appearance, etc. is a stop-over.
Then we board yet another plane and continue onward. However, as we partake of nutrition by communing with the Higher Self during our flight, the jetlag lessens.
The turbulence lessens. Our journey becomes smoother.
Without the Higher Self being our partner as we fly, there can be confusion as to what is truly occurring and why ~ both on Earth/Gaia and beyond.
Our boarding pass was our birth. With so much having occurred from infancy to childhood to adulthood ~ both pleasant and unpleasant ~ we must deal with how to heal the past and create a new Now of joy.
There is time to do this, because we are still in flight across the cosmos. We have yet to approach the landing field.
We can, therefore, continue to sit back, relax and talk with our flight partner ~ the Higher Self, who can instruct us on what can be experienced with each stop over as well as how to handle any challenges.
We can glance out of our windows and see the Aurora Borealis or Aurora Australis ~ the Northern and Southern Lights ~ signs of gamma rays.
The positive protons, negative electrons, and zero-charged neutrons (which often act like the positively-charged protons) that the auroras contain in their colorful plasma splashes affect us too, because they are signals of the coronal mass ejections (“CME”s) that caused them to appear. We learn as we fly.
Our plane, Earth/Gaia, often also experiences the turbulence of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods.
Today’s flight met with 99 earthquakes in the previous 24-hour period, one with a 5.8 magnitude in Japan.
The magnetosphere is receiving lots of particle plasma from outside of the solar system.
Solar winds are registered in the normal range at 347.3 kilometers per second.
There have been two C.6-Class solar flares: one at 0326 Universal Time (“UT”) and the other at 1051 UT.
Neutron counts are rated as Elevated.
The cockpit tools, however, do not register the real strength of cosmic energetics.
Remember, the Higher Self is giving the true report in this Now ~ although we must be grateful for what mankind’s devices can offer us, because they do, as has been stated in prior articles, give us a wonderful general idea of the circumstances occurring during our flight.
Will this trip ever be over? Will we ever reach our destination? Of course!
Yet, as earlier mentioned, it won’t be until many lessons have been learned; and thought, feelings, and actions have changed sufficiently.
We are in flight school.
We will eventually land and be able to ask each other, “How was your flight?”
Fasten your Seatbelts | Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/06/2023 08:47:00 PM